Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Run your recoveries on Tues and Thurs at prescribed pace and you should be ok. If you feel it is not managable, just revert to normal LSR pace. You are in better shape than you think.

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Iā€™ll give it a go anyway and see how I get on. Donā€™t mistake my shock at a late run pace injection (for me) as being ungrateful - Iā€™m enjoying the runs. :+1:

As an FYI, Iā€™m on holidays from Saturday 11 to Sunday 19 inclusive. Iā€™ll still hope to get out for 5 or 6 runs but I may be restricted to more 40 minute type efforts.

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Brilliant plans from @fenwaypark

I might have to subscribe to the premium service in 2022

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Thatā€™s no problem. We will try for two sessions and easy running that week.

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80 metres of climbing left to hit my 2021 target of 25000 metres. I think my previous best effort didnā€™t hit 20000 for the year. Iā€™ll drive on for the 30k this year.

It was around here that my shin decided to have an argument with a wayward branch. Nature, as always, won.


Fair play, thatā€™s some going

I didnā€™t even get lost today for a change

Back doing a bit after a couple of months off due to things being a bit hectic. Going to start off taking it very handy the next couple of weeks, just get some miles into the legs and then pick it up from there.

I could probably do with setting a target so Iā€™ll give a look and see whatā€™s out there.


I fucking hate running. Any way around this?


Whayels on the paddle board.

Trails/ mountains. Fuck the roads.

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The TFK Fingal Christmas Race 2021?

I recall a young buck who did HIIT on a J1, who came back in best shape of his life. There is all types of running, just need to stick with what you enjoy.

Yep, start walking

Get a pedometer and commit to the no basis 10000 steps per day

Do it every day, no excuses, all weather

After a while youā€™ll speed up, then gradually youā€™ll get pissed off with how long it takes to walk, next youā€™ll be jogging, all will improve with time

The VO2 improvements, endorphins and weight loss will follow


If you trained for a 400m (runs and weight training) youā€™d enjoy it - could aim for Masters next year (they were just on this weekend)


Build something around this

  1. Speed is a runners greatest asset and should be trained from day one. Athletes need to train at speeds faster than race pace, so that race pace becomes their ā€œcomfort zone.ā€ Two speed workouts per week are recommended for 400 runners. Example: (6X30m w/370 walk/jog rec.)
  2. Train to increase your lactic acid tolerance and base twice a week. Example: (6X300 in sets of 2 with a quick 100m jog recovery. Allow full recovery between sets.)
  3. The oxygen system should be trained once per week. Example: (20 minute easy jog followed by 20 minutes of easy form strides)
  4. Athletes should take two days off per week to allow their bodies to fully recuperate from training.

Throw in some basic strength training - squats, lunges, deadlifts, bench press, pull ups


And throw out a marriage.

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The shape heā€™ll be in at the school gates !




@Bandage whatā€™s the end goal of your training plan?

Question to the running gurus:

I was off work for 8 months and in the final two months took up running again. I capped my weekly runs at 50km. One 25-30km and the rest of it divided by 2-3 running days.
Hereā€™s the problem. I started back at work, doing concrete work in construction and Iā€™m totally knackered in the evenings, but want to run 10km on two weeknights.
Any tips on how to get out?
(Iā€™ve tried eating as soon as I get home, eating chocolate and drinking coke when I get home and soon to try showering when I get home but so far have just collapsed on the sofa and slept until morning)