Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Could you get up an hour earlier and go in the morning? Or any way to do it at lunchtime?

That’s fine mileage, you won’t get that done after a days physical work.
In your shoes I’d consider trying to get to bed earlier and going first thing in the morning if that’s an option?
Maybe 8k or so three days a week and a long run on Sunday??

Oh and don’t forget to pick up a flip belt

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Mad cunt. It’s grand for the lads wfh to be getting out for a trot, you’ve enough done if you’re pouring concrete for the day


@Wexford1996 did you make a call on doing Berlin yet?

Sub 22 5k

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Yeah, flight booked so won’t be doing Belfast. Starting to taper now. How is training going?


22 minute 5km as coach said. But generally just to be comfortable running for long distances at a steady enough pace. Might try a half marathon at some stage and see whether a marathon is possible after that.


You are going places/times you thought you could only imagine.


Ah hit and miss I didn’t get out in July and August as much as I had planned between work and holidays etc.

Trying to make up a bit of ground the last couple of weeks but I’m running out of time.

Looking forward to Belfast though, only 3 weeks from Sunday.

How’s your prep going?

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Couple of weeks wont make or break you. Best of luck, you are in great shape.


Thanks I’m gone back a bit from the times I was doing early summer.

But so be it, I’m not going up to break the course record I’ll just go out and enjoy it and see how I get on.


That’s the right attitude.

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Training going well. Have had 10 decent weeks and have managed 4 20 mile plus runs. It’s hard to be confident with marathon but will go out at 3 hour pace and see how I get on. PB is 2’57 and think I could give it a go if on a good day.
Try and get a 20 miler in this weekend if you can and give yourself at least a 2 week taper. Have you a time in mind? Most of the guys I train with are doing Belfast so might go to support them if I’ve nothing else on.


@bandage week 8

Two sessions this week:
Session 1 is 12 x1 min hard off 1 min recovery. Run these between 3.50 - 4.00 min per k. Start off closer to 4.00 min per k and do last few a bit faster if managable.

Session 2 is 3× 8mins @ 4.30 min per k. Take 2 min recovery.

Any other runs very easy between 5.50 and 6.10 min per k. No need for strides.

Take a couple or three days between sessions if you want.


Lovely stuff, thanks. Enjoyed that challenge today by the way. I really opened up my legs and expressed myself for those last 20 minutes.

I’m off to the sunny south east tomorrow for 8 days so will get my sessions in and maybe a couple of other runs. :+1:


@Bandage, you’re a fucking inspiration pal. Fair fucks to you, special mention for the coach too, good work @fenwaypark


That’s the type of session that will make a real difference to your 5km time


@backinatracksuit this was a cracking run. My GPS/pace seemed a bit off on the watch.


Were you trying to draw a penis with that route?


Easy to get lost in Curraghchase, not lost as such because that can’t happen, but have no awareness of where you are in relation to where your car is parked,
Last time I went this happened :grinning: