Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Going to go with a 3.30 pacer and hopefully push on a bit towards the end if I have something left in legs.

Aiming for sub 3 hours is serious clipping, will you go with a pacer or do your own thing?


Iā€™ll probably just do my own thing. Did 2 hours today and legs are tired. Legs need a break so will be reducing the mileage a good bit for next 2 weeks. Did you get long run in this weekend?



A squad of 19 Junior athletes took part in the British and Irish Junior Mountain Running Championships, held in Newcastle, Co. Down on September 3rd.

The athletes came from a variety of club and running backgrounds, many of them taking part in an International mountain running race for the first time. Coming out of the last two years with very limited racing and training options on the hills, we were delighted to be able to provide these athletes with an opportunity to participate and race at this level.

The race route, a clockwise loop, starting from Happy Valley, and summiting Slieve Meelbeg (702m), was just under 4 km long, with 380 m elevation. The route was tough, on open mountain, with a very technical descent off the summit. The weather conditions were very good with clear visibility and dry conditions underfoot.

I did 16.5 miles yesterday morning on a fairly hilly route (1ā€™100ft elevation) in just over 1hr 56mins.

Iā€™ll do 1 or 2 short runs this week and then the same long route again next Sunday all going to plan.

After that Iā€™ll just tip away with a few 5 and 10k runs before race day.


I did 15 miles on a flattish route and it took me 2 hours. Your underselling yourself by aiming for 3ā€™30 but no harm when itā€™s your first one. Just take it handy until you get to half way and assess how youā€™re feeling then. You can push on a bit then if youā€™re feeling strong. Are you planning to take gels?

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Yeah Iā€™m probably being a bit conservative but Iā€™d rather go out at 3.30 pace and push on towards the end if I have it in me, than go out at a 3.15 pace and start falling back if I canā€™t stick it.

I just find it demoralising falling behind the target pace late in a race and getting passed out by a load of people.

No Iā€™ve never used gels so I wonā€™t chance it, Iā€™ve heard a few horror stories of fellas squatting in a ditch mid race after taking gels when theyā€™re not used to them.

Do you take them?

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Yeah, Iā€™d generally take 4 during a marathon but wouldnā€™t chance it if you havenā€™t tried them out already. Do some carb loading for the 2 days before and have some porridge a few hours before the start. Youā€™d probably need to be taking something on so maybe bring a few jellies or something that you know you can stomach. @fenwaypark might have some more advice on the nutrition.

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You can get these Jelly Bean yokes in any Holland and Barrett or any health shop. Get the ones with no caffeine. Theyā€™re handy enough to take into a very dry mouth. Iā€™ve found jellys into a dry mouth can nearly choke you.

Iā€™ve only ever used gels to be honest. Other thing Iā€™d advise @Gavrilo-Princip is to make sure to take on water throughout. Thereā€™s generally water stations every 3k or so. Just take a few sips at each and youā€™ll be fine. I think I read theyā€™ve bottles in Belfast so you can even carry it if you want. Last time I did Berlin they had plastic cups which are a complete pain.


Same as that. Big bowl of porridge 3 hours before. I would take gels every 5 miles and water at each station.


Be ready, the water stations in Berlin are chaotic, I ran it 2019 and they were a free for all

The High Five aqua gels are easy enough to take I find. Citrus flavour easiest. Tried a different one recently called Science in Sport and found it harder to take. I donā€™t use the caffeine ones as I puked after one before. Under no condition try anything new on race day @Gavrilo-Princip


@fenwaypark congrats on becoming the local legend of the Bushy Entrance :grinning:


Iā€™m only on strava for that and the kudos.


I have far too many of those local legend yokes, theyā€™re more embarrassing than anything else, CRs are what itā€™s all about :face_with_raised_eyebrow::facepunch:

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I havenā€™t got one, it grates me

@Bandage , happy birthday. You are one lean looking running machine.

Did you manage those reps ok? Too hard?

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Iā€™d love a bit of that cake now

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Yeah, managed it okay. Just a short loop with a downhill first half and uphill second so was able to hold onto the pace for each minute at a time.

Happy Birthday @Bandage - you should throw in some upper body work over the next while to bulk out a bit with those pounds shedded off you