Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge


I believe a few places in Europe do the following but Iā€™d only seen Inov-8 offer it on a very small range of their shoes. I was online today and ended up on Brooks running shoes website. Basically they have a 90 days returns policy. That sounds fine but the policy actually means you can buy shoes from them, wear them as much as you want and if youā€™re not happy send them back. Might be handy for any of ye out there looking for new shoes. Gives you a chance to give them a proper test drive.

On the potentially negative side,

  1. youā€™re buying direct from Brooks so youā€™re paying full whack
  2. Iā€™m not sure of the environmental side of schemes like this
  3. how bloody cheap is it to make them in the first place?

Has anyone ever done the Clontarf Half Marathon? Takes in Clontarf seafront/prom, out onto Bill Island, up to Sutton and loops back. An area I run in a bit. I should be capable of doing a half by November, @fenwaypark?


I know a lad that has run it. Brutal half, very exposed to wind etc. You are more than capable of running a half.

Great running today, you are flying it.


The Waterford half marathon is a good one, usually on at start of December but not sure if itā€™s going ahead as races seem to be very slow to start back here.

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I see you set yourself a new 5k record on your training run today :clap:


True enough @fenwaypark. Late November on Bull Island with a howling wind coming in from the sea could be tough alright. I was looking at this one, @Wexford1996, as itā€™s local to me and would be very handy.

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I was shocked because I was doing 8 minute segments with 2 minutes recovery in between. I had absolutely no expectation of breaking the 23:48 barrier.


Sensational. Iā€™d have no doubt youā€™d be well capable of doing a half marathon. I think you would beat the majority of the lads who post on this thread (myself included) over that distance.

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A nice one to keep the training up for though before the Christmas party season starts

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Isnā€™t that what itā€™s all about. Misery.

Running is nice, often enjoyable but racing is pure misery alright, Iā€™m sure if @Bandage is to do a half marathon heā€™ll want to give it his best, I think sub 1:45 is on the cards, or is that too conservative?


Thereā€™s no way @Bandage could do sub 1:45 on his first half. Heā€™d do well to break 2 hours.

Sounds like the challenge is laid down



Print it out and nail it to the bedroom door @Bandage


@bandage is running quicker now than I was when I did my half and I did mine in 1:50. Heā€™d be well able for sub 1:45


My first ever race was a half marathon. I was doing nowhere near the volume or the quality of training @Bandage is doing. I was 1ā€™46. I think @Bandage could deffo go quicker than that but anything can happen on race day

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So basically, @Locke is a slow cunt is what youā€™re saying?

Need to respect the distance. The man has barely gone over 10 miles, half marathons are no joke, especially when you havenā€™t done one before. Half marathons get inside your head.

Nonsense. Iā€™d say Iā€™d only ran 10 miles twice before doing a half marathon race and @Thomas_Brady was only doing 20 laps of a football pitch in Adidas Sambas before hitting 1ā€™30 for a half.