Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Ran 23:17 the other day for 5k. Yeah, Iā€™m a rale slow cunt alright.


I knew thatā€™d draw you out


Good running today @Mac

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Cheers. Surprised myself with it. No target in mind only getting an hour on my feet and 10k minimum. Had more left in me Iā€™d say but thatā€™s for another day


Jesus, theres not a pick on ya. Have you lost a few kilos?

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@Mac used the high camera angle, like @Bandage. Make you look thinner Iā€™m told.

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If i was as svelte as those lads Iā€™d be an 18 minute man, serious discipline :clap: :clap:

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And wear blackā€¦

ā€¦if my maths are correct then 1:45 for a half marathon is c.5 mins/km.

105 minutes divided by 21 kms (plus change) equals 5 minutes.

I donā€™t think I could manage that but I could target 5:10-5:15/km and aim for 1:50.

All dependent on potentially wild weather of course.


Heā€™s looking really trim and well. The little plump face is completely gone anyway, cheekbones very prominent.

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I havenā€™t a clue about your training bar what youā€™ve put up here,
but the interval times your mentioning and the amount of running you are doing would suggest the 1:45 is doable, itā€™d be a great achievement, but youā€™ll have to go out at that pace, you havenā€™t experienced the impact of running in a race yet in your new lifestyle, itā€™s worth a lot.
I know you can do it, and the 1:45 is a real benchmark for the casual runner.

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I guess I did a 10 miles in 83 minutes in May (5:09/km) when I wouldnā€™t have been near as fit. Just burst into it and hung on at a very high heart rate. In theory I could go lower than thatā€¦maybe.

You lads are like a crowd of women gossiping :joy:

Iā€™m down over a stone since July @backinatracksuit. Still a bit more to go. Cut out most of the shit in my diet which was the main thing.

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@Bandage week 9
Mon- 12 Ɨ 400m off 90 sec recovery. Run these at 4min per k. Do 2k warmup and cool down. Make sure to do some stretching after warmup.
Tues - 45 min recovery @ 6.10ish per k (no quicker than this pace. Slower the better).
Wednesday- 3 x 5min @ 4.30 min per k. Take 2mins between. At end of last 5min, take 3 mins and run 2Ɨ 4 min at 4.20 per k. Take 2 mins between. Run 2km warmup and cooldown.
Thurs - 45 min recovery @ 6.10ish per k (no quicker than this pace. Slower the better).
Friday- 90 min LSR @5.50ish per k. Run penultimate 10 mins at 4.50 per k and last 10 mins at 4.40 per k.
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - 45 mins easy @ 5.30ish per k. Do 4 strides at end.



He had it to lose.

Sure drinking pints of ecoli will do that to you



I could do with losing a few lbs myself but havenā€™t a clue what weight I am at the moment

@Bandage , great run today, heartrate bang on where you need to be on these runs.

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Thank you. I live for your affirmation, coach.

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Iā€™m sorry to say @fenwaypark that I couldnā€™t match your target pace for the last 20 minutes injection today. I kept it below 5:00/km but I couldnā€™t sustain 4:40/km for the last 10 minutes. Iā€™ll blame the headwind and a slight incline.