Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

You finished strong and thatā€™s what is important.

Best of luck tomorrow @caulifloweredneanderthal and @Mac


Thatā€™s still an excellent run. Problem is you are doing it too soon to your last session. I have no doubt, you would have completed it at prescribed pace if you had another day or two between last session and the LSR.

Plus you never ran the first 70 minutes at prescribe pace. Should not be quicker than 5.50 per k.

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Thanks pal. It was looking very unlikely I would make the start line, but the combination of a negative Covid test and a diet of paracetamol and hot whiskey might just get me there.


Thank you coach and duly noted. In my defence, the start was slightly downhill with a tailwind but I should have held back a bit. Youā€™ve a lovely way of delivering a rebuke - praise first and then the clear but constructive critique. I signed up for that Clontarf half marathon on 27 November btw.


You canā€™t take the teacher out of the poster!


My thoughts when reading it!

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A compliment sandwich as Francis Brennan would call it.

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Usually referred to as a shit sandwich in most workplaces?

Cheers @Crutches. Good chance Iā€™ll end up walking a good chunk of it, have never gone beyond 22km before so 30km will be new territory. Weather looks savage which bizarrely will make it harder.

Iā€™ve full faith in @caulifloweredneanderthal turning up. The prospect of a free feed and some free non alcoholic beer at the finish line would be too much for any Tipp man to turn down


Are you sure thereā€™s free grub at finish line? Think that was pulled.

I misread the note. There is, but only for those doing the 80km one. A free mug with free non-alcoholic beer is about as attractive as a kick in the hole. Mugged off

Off to the chippers afterwards so :see_no_evil:. There should be a bag with grub lined up for runners when they come in but I think the initial plan was hot food at a hotel.

I hope you picked the plant a tree option (cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy ) instead of the tee shirt mate.

I went with the t-shirt and Iā€™m going to leave a trail of plastic bottles around both sugar loafs to mark the occasion

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Do the safety pins not scrape you when youā€™re running?


You can also put them on your shorts.

Jesus, I was questioning my fitness this morning,
Did the Parkrun, had the watch set to split times, thought it was one short lap and 4 long ones, was really struggling on the 4th lap thinking the 5th would be absolute torture and wasnā€™t even sure I could keep going at a respectable pace, saw that a few lads had finished and wondered what was going on, turns out I had finished and I had to do an about turn to go back down the chute, ran an extra 150m or so.
Did it in 4:05 pace which is 20:25 I suppose although the official result is a bit slower, wet course so pleased enough with the time, had to tread carefully


@Bandage week 10
Mon- 10 Ɨ 12 sec hill sprints (take 3 mins between reps). Do 2k warmup and cool down. Make sure to do some stretching after warmup.
Tues - 45 min recovery @ 6.10ish per k (no quicker than this pace. Slower the better).
Wednesday- 12x 2min @ 4.20 min per k. Take 2mins between. Run 2km warmup and cooldown.
Thurs - 45 min recovery @ 6.10ish per k (no quicker than this pace. Slower the better).
Friday- 100 min LSR @5.50ish per k.
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - 45 mins easy @ 5.30ish per k. Do 8 strides at end.

Going to increase long slow run as part of training for half marathon.

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Class, thatā€™s a savage time