Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Top 5, aim to go under 20 in parkrun soon, could probably do it on a bit of rest but itā€™s a tough course

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30km Ecotrail done in just under 4 hours. Iā€™ve pain in places I didnā€™t even know could have pain. I was so zonked at the finish line that I accidentally deleted the run rather than saving it. I guess that means I never really ran it :joy:

No idea how @caulifloweredneanderthal could do the additional 16km


Fair play, some buzz. The pain is worth it.

Great to see a crowd out racing again. I was cruising for first 18km and on course for 3hrs30 and got a blister on my heel. Iā€™d say I walked half the last 10k


Did not realise Parkrun was back. Going to do one next week to guage fitness.

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Mungret ? Itā€™s all hills.

Iā€™ll do one in a few weeks once the GAA is all finished up.

Is it around that big playground? Thatā€™d be a fucker of a run

Ya, I think its 4 laps of that, but turn off into a different path for last 150m or so, which I assume is what @backinatracksuit missed

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@Mac you are missing out on some sick Kudos after deleting your run :smiley:


Iā€™m already researching how to recover it :joy:

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Itā€™s missing the elevation but itā€™s there now :ronnyroar:

Edit - elevation added. What a fuckin success!

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Mungret isnā€™t back yet, it was the other one I ran.
If my times are anything to go on Mungret is slightly easier, my times are always a bit quicker there, only by 15 or 20 seconds

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Iā€™m deliberately not giving that Kudos now

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Iā€™ve given that post a like

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Well done, the pictures look great, looks like it would have been too much effort for you to smile like.
Iā€™ve always wanted to go up the Sugarloaf, itā€™s one on my list, great job :clap:

I do have a pic where Iā€™m smiling but I look like an absolute clown cos the sun was in my eyes!

Waiting for @caulifloweredneanderthal to sign in

Unreal, well done. :clap::clap::clap:

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Signing in. Signing out I suppose.

Didnā€™t go to plan unfortunately for me today. Was going nicely first 17/18km (made it to first checkpoint maybe 14-15kmish in in around 2 hours and felt comfortable. But when it came to the fifth climb of the day around 20km, my legs immediately just felt like jelly. Had absolutely no energy. More or less walked to 27km where I dropped out. Iā€™d the big climbing down for the day (1200/1700m) but just couldnā€™t see myself getting another 20km ticked off. It would have probably been stupid to carry on.

I did a course of steroids and antihistamines this week after a nasty wasp sting that is still leaving an impact on me. On top of that I was sick from Tuesday onwards but I felt Iā€™d improve a bit in the 36 hours before throw in and rolled the dice. I think in better health I would have gotten around fine. Iā€™m sure I would have started struggling from 30-35km onwards but I hadnā€™t banked on having issues so early. Maybe Iā€™m just using the health stuff as an excuse, I donā€™t know. Iā€™ve had two shit races this year. Iā€™m never going to be fast but I usually have endurance. Iā€™ve also been in situations where Iā€™m injured or just wrecked and still finished it out.

Took me nearly two hours to get back to Bray then on the drive of shame. Ended up that I knew the brother of the driver (his bro is main organiser) and he has good friends from down home. Had to pull in early days where I had a watermelon flavoured puke. My fellow dropouts in the car were getting worried about me as I got progressively paler so one woman give me a few sugar melts that perked me up. A bottle of ginger beer and a pack of salt n vinegars back at car sorted me out. Iā€™m off for chips now.

Disappointing truth be told but Iā€™d a lovely 2.5 hours or so before the wheels fell off. My first - and hopefully my last - DNF.

Iā€™m tempted to take a few weeks from running. Iā€™m a little deflated. Iā€™m also tempted to give the Slieve Felim Way a rattle before the year is out and get a similar distance to what I should have got today.

Fuck, that was a long rambling post but I might as well be honest with ye


Go out and run the IMRA race on your doorstep next weekend and your confidence will be soaring. Youā€™ll know the route better than others. Tis only 12km or so.

Youā€™ll be raging in a few weeks if you donā€™t do it

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The Phoenix must burn to emerge.

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