Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Thanks Mac

No option to track someone’s live time in Belfast?

First week without a single run since February 2020 :cry:.

You’d fucking miss it badly but I need to shake whatever this virus is I have.

@fenwaypark I’m thinking I might invest in one of your training plans for 2022. I’ve a few more stupid things I want to try before 2021 ends :boom:


I learned this morning it’s one of the few big marathons where you can’t track someone. Very odd.

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Flipbelt my arse, says Boris

I’m in the ballot for the 2022 London Marathon.
Anybody know when to apply for any of the other majors?


Any news from our man in Belfast?

I think the Berlin ballot is open in the next week or so if not already open.

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I just entered ballot aswell.


3.25 lads, went better than I expected. Tough going but it was a flat enough course and a nice fast finish. Delighted with it for my first of hopefully many.


Fair play :clap:

Good man, that’s an excellent time for your first marathon.


Great running, it was breezy and was far from flat from what the lads were telling me after.

Lads. Time to get some TFK singlets made for all these marathons

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Great running :clap:

Well done. :clap:

Thanks folks went with the 3.30 pacer until about 19 miles and felt good so pushed on a bit.

Got to 24 miles still relatively ok and just went for it for the last 2 miles or so.

Great experience after the chaos yesterday collecting the race pack.


I assume that was you on the TV :smiley:

I’ve been doxxed by RTE😃