Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Was just about to ask the question too!

cc @TreatyStones

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Up ya boyo. A grand Kilkenny surname and all :grin:

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Re next weekā€™s training:

Iā€™ll be able to do a proper session on Monday morning and something on Friday evening/night (probably a standard 45 minute run/jog effort) as Iā€™ll be running in the neighbourhood rather than the open expanses of the park. Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™ll be fixed Tuesday-Thursday inclusive but Iā€™d hope to get out for 1 or 2 runs. That said, if we canā€™t let our hair down and kick back when weā€™re on vacation then when can we?

PS, I made a real point of trying to control my pace and heart rate today. I hope you fist pumped the air and let out an internal roar when you checked Strava in the staff room during that free period before lunch.


I did, that was your best run. All I want you to do next week is easy running with some strides every second day. That will set you up nicely for parkrun on Saturday. I will DM you race pace and tactics on Friday.


This needs to be in the public forum!


Your new avatar has a Pinocchio nose when you see it on the small screen,


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Only noticed that now

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Nice run today @mac

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Cheers. Delighted with it. Blew a gasket at 7k so took a breather and kicked on again. Took over 2 mins off my previous 10k PB. A more moderate early pace and Iā€™d say thereā€™s another 20-30 seconds I could chip off at the moment. Only doing 1-2 runs a week max and havent found it as enjoyable in a long time


What time did you do @Mac

46:35 is what Strava clocked the 10k as. Walked / slow jogged about 250m total during the 7th km but if I didnā€™t do that I wouldnā€™t have got to 10k Iā€™d say


Good running lad


Great time @mac :clap:

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Great running today @Wexford1996 , you recover quickly

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I donā€™t know about that. Had nothing in the legs after first couple of km. Had never raced cross country before so decided to give it a go. Itā€™s bloody tough and that was in perfect conditions.

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Great run off the back of that marathon.

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Youā€™re doing a lot more speed sessions yourself, are you targeting something?

Nah, just building a base steadily. Will start doing some more specific stuff soon.

@Bandage , keep pace very slow this week. Temptation is to run harder to compensate for no sessions. You want the legs fresh for saturday, nice and slow does that.


Iā€™ll be waiting with bated breath for the Strava update next Saturday morning.