Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

4 minute pace on the last km :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

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Incredible running though, fair play to yourself and @fenwaypark . Ye made a plan and you executed it to a tee. :clap:


10 months ago


Aboy the kid great running. You are an inspiration to us over 25 minuters

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I think the question many of us want answered was what treat did @bandage include in his post race nutrition?

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What are you wearing on your feet these days @Bandage
If you haven’t done it already it’s time for some racing shoes

Great going, well deserved after all the training you’ve put in. Plenty more improvement to come based on your pace for last km. Just stick to the guidance from @fenwaypark and you’ll be giving 20 mins a serious go in another few months


Good to see you back on the hills @caulifloweredneanderthal :clap:


Thanks m8. Not as fast as you were getting round.

You’d an extra 100m elevation over a 2k shorter trip. We can call it a draw :crazy_face:

Legs feel fine. Throat a little sore, still sweating out that virus.

Saturday is market day at St Anne’s so there’s a load of food and drink stalls to complement the homely Parkrun atmosphere. I had a mixed berries smoothie from Tutti Frutti immediately post race followed by a coffee from Get Coffee. I did a stint in the playground then before treating myself to a hot dog from Irish Charcoal BBQ and some pork dumplings from Chinese Dumpling Co.

I’ve been awarded an official time of 21.09 for 43rd place out of 410. Today’s winner in a time of 18.16 was an old work colleague, he actually set up the St Anne’s Parkrun when he moved to the area in around 2014-15. What a service to the community.


Serious going :muscle:

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Great effort 5k is a really tough distance

Not to step on fenways toes but try get in a bit of hill running if you can, great for strengthening the legs and will toughen you up mentally for race day.


Saucony Guide 14. I like the fit of Saucony and I’ve been getting these ones for over pronation (used to feel the calves quite regularly). They’re a touch bulky/heavy but don’t know if I could chance a lighter Saucony model?

I sure will. And no doubt he’ll bring me back into line if I don’t stick to the designated pace in my training runs.

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Saucony are my choice also, I recommended those guide on many occasions here,
The endorphin speed is the best everyday shoe out there, widely available and much lighter than the guide.
I pretty much guarantee that you’ll like them and they’re probably worth close to 30 seconds for you
If you want to splash out the endorphin pro is a step up again

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@fenwaypark you seem to be stepping it up a gear. Was that a park run this morning?

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It was. A very tough course. Reckon I would go sub 19 on a quicker course. Having said that, i had a nice group to run off and that makes a huge difference.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: