Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Thanks. I might chance the endorphin speed then in a few weeks when I’m due a change.

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The whole parkrun concept has changed so many peoples lives in ways they never thought possible, its is unreal to see the positive impact on peoples mental and physical health. Paul Sinton-Hewitt is some man


Well done @Bandage, serious pace there.

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What is your 5k PB?





I’m trying to decide what to do with myself. I might target going sub 40 for the 10km.


It doesn’t take that much, 12 weeks dedication

I just did the first of the greater Manchester cross country 10k series.
I wasn’t well in truth,I’m still not right after covid, but it was a nice afternoon so I thought I’d try and plod around. I nearly fcuking died. You get sucked into running far harder than you planned. It’s as bad as I’ve ever felt. Lesson learned.
They are nice people, the athletic fraternity though. It was a great atmosphere.
My pulse was maxed out for nearly the whole race.
My watch went odd, so it’ll be interesting to see the timing chip results.
I finished very near the back.


You are stone cracked, in case you need to be told again

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It was horrific. I could feel my heart fluttering all over. Just had three (3) pints with Claire Paul and Damo.
Ready to go again.


Your poor wife will lose her licence for letting you out the door at this craic :man_facepalming:t2:

She’s working :slightly_smiling_face:

Permission for my usual 45 minute Sunday jaunt @fenwaypark? I’m back into the normal routine again now.

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Yeah. Take it very slow. 6 weeks to half. You will get a solid 5 weeks in before taper.

Going to work on speed endurance on monday and longer tempos on wednesday. Will have your plan later.

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@Bandage week 1 of 6 week half marathon.
Mon- 5× 800m off 2 mins recovery. Run these at 4min per k. Do 2k warmup and cool down. Make sure to do some stretching after warmup.
Tues - 45 min recovery @ 6min per k (no quicker than this pace. Slower the better).
Wednesday- 4 x 10 min. Run 1st and 3rd 10mins @ 4.40min per k. Second and fourth 10mins @ 4.20min per k. Run 2km warmup and cooldown.
Thurs - 45 min recovery @ 6min per k (no quicker than this pace. Slower the better).
Friday- 120min LSR @5.30ish per k. Its really important not to go quicker that 5.30 per k. You are doing enough quality on monday and wednesday. This is about time on your feet.
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - 45 mins easy @ 5.10ish per k. Do 6 strides at end.


What’s the craic with the 6 strides at the end?

Works on speed, gets legs use to turning over quickly

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Thanks FWP, looks like a tough week in store. Is there any recovery after each 10 minute set on Wednesday or burst straight into the next 10 minutes?

Is it literally just 6 long steps running fast ?