Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

No recovery. If you are not feeling the love after first couple of reps on monday, just go for an easy run. You had a hard race on saturday and the body might still be recovering.

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No its a sprint of about 80 to 100 metres

So 6 of them?

Generally lads would do 6-10.

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Thanks. Iā€™ll have a go at the session anyway but will bear that in mind. Felt fairly tired on my run earlier today and Iā€™ll be working on my excel spreadsheets for quarter end for a few hours now tonight. I donā€™t know how I do it all in fairness.

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Any of ye have a Garmin vivoactive?

I donā€™t think so, but itā€™s a grand watch, are you buying or looking for help?
You canā€™t beat the Garmin

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Iā€™m on my second one, solid enough option

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I got one there a few months ago, great watch but it takes forever to connect to the GPS before a run, is that normal / is there a way to rectify it?

Havenā€™t found it to be a problem. Try a reset maybe?

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Iā€™ve one and no problems with it connecting at all.

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I something leave mine outside for a few minutes before I start a run in order for the satellites to be picked up

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Have one and the odd time I do find it takes a while to connect but itā€™s only occasional. Sometimes the GPS recorded would be a bit all over the shop as well. I guess the satellites must be behind a bit of space dusht when that happens.

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Yeah itā€™s just odd as when I got the watch first it picked it up straight away now itā€™s taking 10-15mins and I have tried a reset/reboot and it didnā€™t improve

Iā€™ve heard Garmin are very good to replace devices. It might be worth contacting them.


I never thought of that, Iā€™ll give them a buzz tomorrow to see what they advise. Cheers

Ya definitely worth a shot. Friend of mine even got one replaced that he had bought 2nd hand.

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If I donā€™t use my garmin for a day or two then it misses the first part of my runs. Some pain in the hole.

As @TreatyStones said get on to them and theyā€™ll replace it.

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They replaced damoā€™s watch and it was three years old.
Send it back.