Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Thanks lads. I just follow what @fenwaypark tells me to do.

He will run some debut marathon in May. It will shake the forum to its very core.


What time did you do horse?

Todayā€™s FWP session was 120 mins at 5:30/km. Ended up doing 5:27/km so got exactly 22km done in the 2 hours. It was around 1hr 55mins for the half marathon & another 5 weeks before I tackle the Clontarf half. @backinatracksuit has referenced 1hr 40mins as a race target but November weather on a windswept Bull Island course might make that overly ambitious. But I just need to trust the process between now & then & forget about times for now. @fenwaypark will slide into my PMs before the race with my race instructions.


Itā€™s not about chasing times. Every run should have a purpose. You have the bug. You remind me of a young Fenwaypark circa 2010.


Great stuff youā€™re making serious progress.

A windy day for the half could hamper you, but if its a cold crisp day it would be ideal and you could give 1.40 a right rattle.

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How did you feel at the end of today?

Grand actually. I skipped the long run last Friday because I was targeting the parkrun but Iā€™ve built up from 1 hour to 2 hours by adding 10 minutes each week over the last 6-7 weeks. I was doing a bit of clock-watching on those first 60/70/80 minute efforts. Does that happen anyone else? You canā€™t stop your mind doing all these mathematical calculations about time/percentage ran and left etc. Itā€™d be annoying me but Iā€™m better able to block it out now and just tip along at the designated pace. Itā€™s obviously just getting fitter and more comfortable and not worrying as much that you wonā€™t be able for the session.


Iā€™m terrible for it. Particularly on the harder runs if Iā€™m not in the right frame of mind starting off.

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Let that be a lesson to us all :clap:


Well done this morning lads @fenwaypark @Wexford1996. You must have been jousting up at the front? Did you recognise each other from the INTERNET?


My plan was to draft behind @Wexford1996 , but he was at a different level. We did a nice cool down together.


I didnā€™t recognise @fenwaypark beforehand but Iā€™d say he had me in his sights as was only a few seconds behind me. I got left for dead by a young lad about 15 or 16 in the last 200m.


@backinatracksuit Iā€™ve had a look at the past few Mungret Parkrun results. They arenā€™t taking much winning at the moment. Sub 20 would get you a medal.

Thereā€™s been a few occasions at limerick or Mungret where I could have won if Iā€™d turned up, thatā€™d be class

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I thought everyone would be flying after lockdown. Iā€™m still a few weeks away from sub 20, but Iā€™ll give it a rattle if I get a chance before Christmas

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@Bandage week 2 of 6 week half marathon.
Mon- 5Ɨ 1000m off 2 mins recovery. Run these at 4 .05ish min per k. Do 2k warmup and cool down. Make sure to do some stretching after warmup.
Tues - 45 min recovery @ 6min per k (no quicker than this pace. Slower the better).
Wednesday- 48 minute tempo (6 x 8 min). Run odds @ 4.40min per k. Run evens @ 4.20min per k. Run 2km warmup and cooldown.
Thurs - 45 min recovery @ 6min per k (no quicker than this pace. Slower the better).
Friday- 130min LSR @5.30ish per k. Its really important not to go quicker that 5.30 per k. You are doing enough quality on monday and wednesday. This is about time on your feet.
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - 50 mins easy @ 5.10ish per k. Do 6 strides at end.


Thatā€™s a serious weeks training


Well, @Bandage is a serious runner


Thanksā€¦I think. :anguished::running_man:

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