Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge


But I was only 5:07/km and 5:05/km instead of 5:10/km for the 50 minutes on each of that last 2 days. Could those small margins make a difference? I was going to post last night seeking permission to run at 5:30/km this morning, but I didn’t get around to it. Feel a bit low on energy this week. Working late at night, boys waking early again after the clock change. I’ve a whole litany of excuses at the ready.

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5.10ish was suggested i.e no quicker than that. My fault, should have said 5.20ish. We adjust and go again.

Life gets in the way. Dont sweat it. If you are not feeling pace on a run, just adjust pace to where you feel comfortable. On days between sessions, if you need to take a day off, just do it. Your most important runs are two sessions and long run.


Thank you. I just needed you to validate my potential failure so now I’ll have a crack at it with a bit of freedom. I’ll aim to really open up my legs and express myself.

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Nailed it. That’s a very tough session but will really stand to you. Builds strength and endurance.

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@Bandage - if you didn’t press the button on the Asics gear, then have a look at the Adidas site. They’ve up to 40% off today for singles day. They were my running tshirt and shorts combo of choice for a long time.

Edit - and savage running today. Well done.


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What do you all do for running this time of year? I generally do it out on the road but it’s too dark now. Nearest athletics track is about 30 mins away. Should I join a club and do it evenings after I leave work as I’ll be in town then?

I was thinking of getting a treadmill but reckon I’d get bored.

I cut my 10 minute warm down short, as I was wrecked after the last 5km section. Found it an enjoyable challenge though, the two slower 5-minute segments after the first two 5km blocks let me regroup. Ran a bit of the half marathon route too, the last 5km along the coast down to Clontarf was into a stiff enough breeze so happy enough with the pace.


Thank you. Will have a look shortly.

Once I get the nipple gel, hat/wristband and runners recommended by @backinatracksuit, and the proper running base layers and T-shirts to complement my Flipbelt then I really should be improving my times.


You may as well pop out to Ikea for a new wardrobe for all the gear as well

The flipbelt advice from @backinatracksuit was probably the greatest advice ever given on this forum.

Invest in some high vis gear and go running the roads, no problem with visibility once your eyes adjust after a minute or 2.

Stay on the right hand side of the road so your running against the traffic though. At least then if there’s some fella on his phone and veering off to the side you’ll see him coming.

Believe it or not. I had an angry exchange with a local farmer in the pub a few months back who said I was going to get knocked down because I was running on the right side of the road and I should be crossing over at bends. I made this point to him, it got quite heated and I ended it with despite what he might have thought, the roads are not for his preserve only.

Believe it or not. I had an angry exchange

Yes I would believe it :grinning:

Spot on, you’re just as entitled to run the roads once your well lit up as he is to drive them.


Head torch and the job is oxo @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

I don’t want to look like a Chilean miner mate.

I just don’t really trust the road at night despite how visible I might be. I can still get out at weekends but I’d like to be doing a bit at least two evenings after work as well. Is anyone here a member of an athletics club? What training or runs would they generally tend to do during the week?

Speed on Tuesday’s
Tempo on Thursday’s

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Could you run before work around 7.30/8am or, better still, during work hours? A few laps of the factory floor and around the forklift?

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Join a club, as @Tassotti said speed on tuesdays (intervals) and tempos on Thursday. You would enjoy these.


Headtorch might help also.