Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Ah that’s a serious run :clap:

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Sure I’m a serious runner.

Popped into SuperValu in Killester village at the end of my run.



I did Run The Line earlier. And when I say I did it, I did the guts of 20k of what was supposed to be a 26k course. I was following a group and someone missed a turn and we didn’t realise we’d gone wrong till someone told us we had 1km left. My chip time is recorded as finishing 5th overall :sweat_smile:

Brilliant course and great to see a crowd and atmosphere. My achilles and ankle were starting to niggle me so I wasn’t too disappointed. Some cracking views of Wicklow Mountains and over Dublin. Hard to be believe it’s late November.


A little bit of redemption for that fat Tipperary cunt @caulifloweredneanderthal today. After two months of colds and sickness, I decided on Thursday I’d give the Slieve Felim Way a rattle. 45km (well, 44.93) so my longest run ever. I won’t lie , the second half wasn’t pretty with me walking anything that looked remotely like a bump. I probably should be logging this in the lockdown walking thread.

Took the Murroe to Silvermines route. Would highly recommend.

PS I’m not that fat. There is a hydration pack underneath my rain jacket :see_no_evil:


Mad shit. Well done.

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I see a friend of mine on Strava who did it as well also said he took a wrong turn. He was doing the shorter route.

Edit your post above to include the 26km, it confused the fuck out me :smiley:

Well done, great running.

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Cheers. It was very poorly marshalled. 4 or 5 at some junctions. None at others. Hard to get volunteers but when you’re paying the guts of 40 quid for it you’d expect something better than that.


Hon da kid - savage stuff :ronnyroar:

We’ll do the 45km EcoTrail next year together


Thanks bud. I walked a fuckload of it. More than I thought I would but a good day out. Another 1000m+ of climbing banked


I won’t be able to keep up with you mate :+1:

Incredible effort, pal. You too @Mac. :clap::clap::clap:

Was it cold up at that height? Your face looks a bit blue in the picture.


Excellent effort to you both.

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Got an almighty shower of rain 3km from finish line mate. Got a soaking. Now have a bit of chaffing :see_no_evil::joy:

Youll keep up with me the finesht

Time for rehydration


And carbo loading

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I’d a piece of lasagne there that hardly fit the plate


Lasagne and chips. You utter roaster.

There was coleslaw and garlic bread as well mate but I avoided them :see_no_evil:

Had a banana, a pack of salt n vinegar crisps and five of those Superquinn/SuperValu sausages after the run.


If it’s not on Strava it didn’t happen!

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