Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

I’m heading put now @Julio_Geordio but I’m in no mood for it whatsoever

Id often feel like that. Getting out is the hard part. You will feel better afterwards.

Oh I know, the first km will be torture

I have the beef and Guinness stew in the oven for when I get back

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22.28 today for the 5km. Fastest since September. Had a target to go 22.30 or below today so happy out with that. This belated Dry January thing is doing wonders already.


Good running kid…

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Well that wasn’t easy but I pushed it out, my toes were numb by the end, up to 82km now.


You were tipping along nicely.

Just trying to keep warm. I’ll give the Fast Feb Five (The Triple F) a go next month

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Keeping warm important. Legs got cold at one stage today during a snow shower, but thankfully the sun came out after a while.

Did the 16 min runs interspersed with 5 mins of breaks the last two days. S&C session tomorrow and we go again on Tuesday.

The 5km restriction and cold weather is sapping my enthusiasm from the elevation challenge. literally running the same hill and can only go up 1 side of it cos the sun doesn’t get to the other side till sunset and it’s like ice. A bit of variety would be nice.

Great running this evening @Fran

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Here @caulifloweredneanderthal, are we supposed to do 100km too? I missed that little detail and was only focusing on the elevation

We’ll do what we want @mac! I’d be delighted to hit one of those two goals tbh.

Grand. Elevation only so. Sure if I get a surplus I’ll allocate it to you. A joint 4km will do us both!

I’ve made 1150 elevation despite myself, there’s barely a hill in Limerick

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Fair play but you’ve probably done serious mileage. That 1400km approx I’ve done is over three runs. Everything else I do is at sea level. My run the other had 0 metres elevation :grimacing:

I’ll go faster than that during the week for no reason other than to annoy you


:grin: You pretty much did that to me on every 5km challenge last summer.

Cycling buddies I know out East Cork doing the Alpe d’Hues challenge. 1,200m climbing. Some lads heading up and down the same hill 20 times. :open_mouth:. The hill beside East Ferry used by some @EstebanSexface

I wouldnt put the car up it

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