Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

2000m hit this morning on a sunrise run. A lazy enough 1.4km climb. Stunning though


A smashing way to start the week. Living, not existing.

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The house move disrupted my progressā€¦ 9 days without a run. Did a 3k in 16.17 and then 1k in shuttle runsā€¦ Two trees about 20 meters apartā€¦ Out and back on toes, then sprint out and back ā€¦ Repeat


Up to 75km there.

If I get out for a short one Thursday or Friday, Iā€™ll give it a rattle on the Sunday trail run to try and make the 100.


Really getting out this lockdown a lot. Up to over 140k this month. However Iā€™m actually getting a few good runs in. Broke 45mins for 10k today. Looked back on the app and it was my quickest 10k since Oct 15.

@caulifloweredneanderthal, what is the charity/good cause this time around?


Youā€™re in good nick. Thatā€™s very decent.

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Thatā€™s great running mate. Iā€™m on 80km for the month (@Fran) so will have to go 4 x 5km to Saturday to complete my 100km. Skipped yesterday, it was fucking Baltic and I just didnā€™t fancy it.
Next month Iā€™m going to try and get in some longer runs. The knees are at capacity at the moment though I feel, not sure they could handle much more than 5km


Well done, if thereā€™s races on the horizon youā€™d be closer to 40 than 45

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Donā€™t think we set any this time.

Perhaps we could do the February Fastest Five in February. Get everyone to submit their fastest five in the month. Throw in a tenner or something to a charity that we pick.

Make a few categories the lads were talking about.
Senior (anything sub 20)
Senior B (sub 23)
premier intermediate (sub 25)
Intermediate (sub 28)
Junior A (sub 32)
Junior B (sub 35)
Walkers (35+)


What do ye all think?

Cc the committee


Senior B. CC @TreatyStones

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Submitted this proposal weeks ago. :man_facepalming:t2:

Premier Intermediate A with an eye on Senior B.

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I know that pal. I think it was yourself and @Thomas_Brady who mentioned it?

I was just expanding on it.

What way do you think it should work? Declare your grade in advance?

Up yer bollix @TreatyStones

You have until Sunday? Iā€™m up to 90 now, will finish it out with a run tomorrow and probably Friday.

@Thomas_Brady, I was wondering what the fuck you were up to with your 1km run on Strava and then I remembered the shuttle runs :smile:

Will give the premier intermediate a shot, with one eye on the Intermediate

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Heā€™d it tied on the dog Iā€™d say

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The dog wouldnā€™t be that slow

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Following on from this, I would suggest that anybody who did the summer 5km canā€™t put themselves in a category that is more than 60 or 90 seconds slower than their summer time.

I did around 22ā€™30 in the summer. While this could make me eligible for the Premier Intermediate grade, Iā€™m going to try myself at Seamus Oā€™ Riain/ Senior B. Lads can be aspirational and put themselves up a few grades if they wish. I have the times from back in the summer.

Register your grade by February 1st.
While it is easier to present a standalone run, the 5km can be part of a longer run, but you need to show evidence that it was a continuous 5km segment (e.g if you run 8km, it is 5km of that in a row, not working out your average pace and putting that to 5km). Data will need to be provided as proof.

Everyone in?