Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Here you go @Bandage - this is the 2022 version


Looks like a codpiece.

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@Bandage ive decided on a complete whim to do the Slieve Felim way tomorrow, 43k and a little over 1000m in elevation

Now I’ll be taking my time naturally as it’ll just be myself and my thoughts but I’ll report on the difficulty I’d see in trying to go a bit quicker.

What do I need to bring for that @caulifloweredneanderthal ?


Lad from Castlebridge organises them all. I ran the Wexford one 5 or 6 years ago. Wasn’t fit at the time so went round with my cousin. Wouldn’t say it’s totally flat and there was definitely a few drags but nothing too major.

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You’re a fuckin mad man :grinning:

  • A charged phone
  • Enough fluids to keep you hydrated unless you can refill along the way
  • High carb food / snacks. Jelly beans / Flapjacks / Gels etc.
  • A light rain jacket of some sort in case the weather changes on a whim
  • A hat
  • I always throw in a little jar of tiger balm for longer runs to rub into the joints if they’re stiffening up, but that’s just a personal preference

OK, that’s pretty much what I thought

Better get to bed so :+1:

Suppose twould do no harm to bring a bottle of coke as well,

Taxi money

Good man. It’ll be no bother at all to a fella like you. For me it was 44.9km but I went an extra 200 metres at end apparently. By all accounts Silvermines to Murroe is easier option. I went other way around. 1.5 litres water should see you through. I used about 700ml first half and maybe a litre second half. Stick the route on your watch. The yellow man won’t see you wrong but it’s a grand back up. PM if you don’t have an I’ll send you a GPX file.

It’s absolutely bitter here on the mainland. Be sure and bring enough to stay warm.
Would you not be better, and find it more enjoyable to wait a few days until someone can do it with you?

Oh @mac covered a lot more there.

Food wise, that’ll depend on each person.
I think I had 3/4 gels and 4 Clif blocks.
I ate half a banana in Toor (my sister was there for a top up of water and also because I’d been sick again that week, in case I decided to drop out).
I had a bite of a star bar.

At finish, I drank a bottle of ginger beer and ate a packet of salt n vinegar crisps. That is my go to post race nutrition now.

I went out with a long sleeve top, no base layer and rain jacket in my pack (the last 90 minutes was wet, the last twenty minutes was a monsoon) Switched to a short sleeve top in Toor, partially because I spilt have a bottle of water over my top refiling a flask, but it was a mild day.


Good luck. :clap:

Just stopped for a sandwich and my first drink of water and I’ve knocked most of it over, not for the faint hearted,


You started in Murroe? You’re tipping along nicely. That photo would be about 14km in so.

Fuck sake, I’ve just had to cross a river/stream at least two foot deep,
This is where I am now

Be nice in the summer time, bit of a slog today, no flat at all really, you’re either going up or your going down, the ups are long, tje downs are steep


Keep going mate. Epic effort.

You’re flying mate. On the final third

Fuck sake, nowhere to get a pint in Silvermines


I had it in my head that I was getting a pint when I finished there, but the pub was closed and I was absolutely soaked. If you see a pair of running shorts hanging round the street, they’re mine. Well done on getting it done. I’ll go back in Spring and try it the other direction.


Well done, you mad bastard. :clap::clap::clap: