Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Thereā€™s a mate of mine who would be into his running, heā€™d be up around 90km a week, ran his pb at Newmarket at 16:51, not a pick on the man. He came 58th! Must be some field at that 5k.

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Look above

Oā€™Donovan was 59th :eek:

Fast course attracts a big field. Very similar to jingle bells in Dublin. @Mac 's buddy ran something like 15.08 there and only finished 15th I think.

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Coach, would it be okay to do Fridayā€™s session tomorrow & tomorrowā€™s on Friday? Iā€™ve more scope to do a long run tomorrow than Christmas Eveā€¦

100 percent.

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thinly veiled Iā€™m getting mangled thursday night.

Thinly veiledā€¦the crĆØche is closed on Christmas Eve. :santa::christmas_tree::running_man:


my one sounds better, but I feel you. Itā€™s good stuff youā€™re doing here.

My 2021 running has come to an abrupt halt. Despite being in the gym 4 times a week since July, multilple 20km+ trail / mountain runs and running faster times on the road more recently than I have in 4-5 years without any injury Iā€™ve succumbed to a torn hip flexor through a game of indoor soccer :roll_eyes:

Maybe itā€™s a sign I need to knock the indoor ball on the head and keep the running to straight lines with no twisting or turning. No running of any significance for 6-8 weeks but Iā€™m going to target a 5km PB as the initial goal once Iā€™m back or even sub 21 mins.


Hungry Food GIF
Big Christmas coming for @Mac


bad luck bro. My running after the 10k trial early on this year was abysmal. GAA and soccer fucked me up a bit where I was training there. Broken ribs, followed by a broken toe and then covid meant I did the sum total of fuck all other than some indoor soccer. Aim is to get back at it in the new year. I hate new years resolutions, but will be aiming to get a better 5k time myself.

After I get fat(ter) over Christmas of course


Bad luck. They started a 5 a side in our place and I politely declined for same reasons.

Not much to say of consolation but listen to physio, and do exercises prescribed.

Ah yeah itā€™s not the type of injury to ignore proper advice. Iā€™m happy enough if I can work away in the gym and work a sweat up somehow as I know the running will come back. As much for headspace as anything else.

The 5 a side is great for just seeing people which is a novelty for me as still WFH. But am getting to the stage where the risk may be outweighing any benefit too

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Fuckit anyway, I was impressed with your dedication, particularly getting into the mountains, shitty luck, that would put you in bad form.

Running wears the body down, despite claiming great fitness thereā€™s not a one of us would be any good in a scrap :man_shrugging:


Thatā€™s been part of the shift in focus on my part. Iā€™ve fuck all upper body strength so been trying to build that out, and sort out diet which has meant Iā€™ve shed a load of weight and been running faster without any focus on speed training. It should give me a good base for next year if I can keep the weight off.

I want to do a trail marathon next year but wouldnā€™t be as mad to go and do what you did at the weekend. Thereā€™s one in the Mourne Mountains in June that looks a reasonable target and @caulifloweredneanderthal might even join me so thereā€™s a bit of accountability on both sides :sweat_smile:


Sure anybody can do a marathon if you donā€™t beat yourself up over time, but if I had been racing last Saturday Iā€™d have wanted to knock the bones of an hour off that time and Iā€™d have ended up half dead


@Bandage , that was a great run today. When your LSR is increasing in time, thatā€™s a nice route to take in pheonix park. You could take in a lot of trails which would be great for the legs.

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Thanks pal. Iā€™m not familiar with Phoenix Park for running so was wondering when/if I would reach a left turn to get back towards the main avenue and back down towards the zoo. It worked out as pretty much 2 hours by chance in the end. One of the good things about Strava groups and those I follow is getting some route ideas. Iā€™d seen you and a few others had been running there lately, along with folk doing the Jingle Bells 5km & the Laura Lynn half marathon so decided to incorporate it into a long run. Iā€™ll need you to let me know where the trails are when Iā€™m going for longer runs again.

Speedy recovery @Mac.


Will do.