Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

I think 2 sessions a week and long run are what work best for me when marathon training. Tempos and progression runs rather than intervals.

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Yeah, medium long run with lots of PMP stuff, a tempo/parkrun and LSR got me sub 3 before.

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Iā€™ll get back into it in January hopefully. Have entered Raheny 5 mile so will have 4 weeks to get fit.

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Good stuff. Thatā€™s the kind of scene Iā€™d be hoping to fall into, if I pluck up the courage to rock up to Raheny. Iā€™m definitely going to suss it out, as I really want the singlet and I donā€™t want to buy it online without having anything to do with the club. Theyā€™re hosting a Goal Mile down the length of the main avenue of St Anneā€™s Park tomorrow morning so we might head down if itā€™s not lashing rain.

As an aside, my life partner was at a kidsā€™ birthday party recently and a few Raheny Shamrock parents were there. They know me a bit and had seen on Strava Iā€™d gone from 28 minute 5km trots to breaking 100 minutes for a half marathon. They were intrigued and asked her what was behind it and if I was training with anyone or a club etc. She explained that a man from the INTERNET that Iā€™ve never met gives me a training programme to follow every week (cc @fenwaypark).


How did you find that session today?

Tough but fair, like a good test match wicket. I was flying (relatively) for the 4:30/km segment but hanging on a tiny bit at the end of the second 4:40/km one.

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Should be some lovely posts of new running apparel and accessories posted here in the next few days

Mon- 6Ɨ 800 metres off 90 sec recovery. Run these between 3.55 and 4 min per k. Do 2k warmup and cool down. Make sure to do some stretching after warmup.
Tues - 45 min recovery @ 6min per k (no quicker than this pace. Slower the better).
Wednesday- 15 min warm up + 5k @ 4.50 min per k + 2k easy + 5k @4.40 min per k +2k easy+ 8 mins @4.30 min per k + 15min cool down
Thurs - 55 min easy @ 5.20ish per k.
Friday- 130 min long run @5.30 to 5.40 min per k
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - 55 mins easy @ 5.20ish min per k. Do 6 strides at end.


Thanks and happy christmas to you & your family. :christmas_tree::handshake::santa:

Hadnā€™t gotten around to saying I might only be able to do 2-3 runs from Monday-Thursday inclusive due to Christmas trips/visiting family. Iā€™ll check with you closer to the time about which of the sessions to prioritise if I canā€™t do them all.

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No panic, an easy week will do you no harm. Just get out for easy runs this week and do above following week.

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I seem to have hurt my achilles. A few days on the easy list for me.


In fairness to you Fenners youā€™ve being going full duck or no dinner the last few weeks.
Iā€™m battling Plantar Fascitis again but stretches before and after a run help no end with it. Well, that and the Covidsā€¦

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4 mile this evening, Iā€™m still coughing :mask:

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Mon- 15 min warm up + 15 mins @ 4.40 min per k + 1k easy + 15 min @4.30 min per k + 1k easy + 15 min @4.40 min per k +15min cool down down.
Tues - 45 min recovery @ 6min per k (no quicker than this pace. Slower the better).
Wednesday- 12Ɨ 400 off 75 second recovery. Run these at 3.50 to 4 min per k. Do 2k warmup and cool down.
Thurs - 45 min recovery @ 6min per k (no quicker than this pace. Slower the better).
Friday- 2hr long run @5.30 to 5.40 min per k
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - 55 mins easy @ 5.20ish min per k. Do 6 strides at end.

Let me know what Wednesdayā€™s club session is and we will work around it.

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No club session this week - every second Wednesday for the time being.

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Will do some speed on wednesday so.

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Lovely, thanks. :+1:

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A post Christmas, post covid and only my second run in 6 months was a very tough 3k in 22 minutesā€¦


Go slower and wont feel so tough. A start is better than nought.

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