Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Walkers: @artfoley


Come on to fuck and go premier intermediate

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its either shuttle runs or hes giving himself a low five in public


Heā€™s scared shitless that youā€™ll bate himā€¦ AGAIN.

Iā€™ve two 5s done since last October pal, Iā€™d never get sub 25ā€¦ Iā€™ll go premier intermediate for 10k.

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Shuttles you cunt

five knuckle shuttles :smiley:


A lot of very unsavoury attacks on me over the last 18 hours.

Premier Intermediate please

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Thanks @caulifloweredneanderthal. I think I managed 27:40/45 ish in the summer and Iā€™ve regressed since then. Put me down for Intermediate and Iā€™ll try to get back to 27:something.


Bandage, Bandage, Bandage

Premier intermediate for me. Iā€™ll hopefully be in the hunt for promotion.

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Fantastic innovation @caulifloweredneanderthal. Youā€™ve got me interested and Iā€™m very grateful for that.

Iā€™ve barely ran hard all winter. I wouldnā€™t make it currently but Iā€™ll qualify for the Intermediates by the end of February.

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Five lads in Premier Intermediate. 4 weeks. We could set up a fixture list and race against each other each week. 2 points for the win, lad with most points goes up.

Junior F please. I still have my much-publicized verruca

Eh, I came up with the grading system. @caulifloweredneanderthal stole the idea then Tippised it by putting a rake of Aā€™s and Bā€™s so that itā€™s harder to get relegated. :roll_eyes:

Whatā€™s the ask here? What do I need to decide

Edit - I see it now. Put me down for intermediate

go up ya cunt ya. Youā€™ll manage sub 25. I havent done it either in months and most likely looking at relegation, but fuck it, itā€™s something to aim for.

If I thought I could, I wouldā€¦ Last year as I was nearing fitness I was still only getting 25.45ā€¦ Iā€™m miles from that now. Iā€™ve literally done nothing for 4 monthsā€¦ 5ks were never my thing even back in my prime. A cunt of a distance

Good man @Locke for coming up with the idea.
Good to see it implemented.