Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

BTW lads, we’re all going to be in some deep shit if @Bandage comes in here and sees ye talking about tights, anti-chafing cream, scrotum antiperspirant, hot water bottles etc.

I’ve read all of it and I’m being nice.

400m splits, you dozy bastard.


He was doing 8 × 400m intervals off 90 sec recovery.

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Grand and handy lunchtime run there. Need to up the distance though to do a half this month. But plenty of time yet.


I dug the young lad out of the leaba again this morning. Did 7k with him, Claire and Matty. Average 5.30/k same as yesterday. He did great.
I’ll leave him sleep tomorrow and do 14.


A very lazy 29 mins on the button after a week of nothing. Need to up it to avoid the Intermediate relegation zone

You’ve already got 30 seconds up on me. That’s just what I needed to see…

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From 6min/km to 5.29min/km in 4 days thanks to cleaner eating (hearty slow cooker stews and soups, lots of water and smaller chocolate (croissant) intake. As @TreatyStones says, you can’t outrun a bad diet.


Great stuff.

You must have been like a Grecian warrior striding through the pavilion ruins

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Great going chief. You deserve a small treat after that.

@Mac will be seething when he sees the elevation

I thought that was for 5k and I was about to call in the auditors. Still that’s a great effort …

Oh the irony!!

I’m just jealous that I live in a supposedly flat town that is impossible to have a 5k run in without some cunt of a hill in it

2 minutes 2 seconds off my Tuesday run… Up your bollix
cc @glasagusban


You should definitely aim for 25 by the end of the month, it’ll hurt but it’s well within you

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I had sub 25.30 in my head, we’ll see… I hate roads tho.

I knew you could do it.


@backinatracksuit are the gates of Mary I open these days do you know