Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

You’ll see from the graph that I came to a standstill just after 1km waiting to cross the road to enter the park. I really opened my legs and expressed myself between 2km and 3km when I looped around and came back up the park avenue with the wind behind me. Great athleticism.


So you did a 1k and a 4k? Keep going you might get the 5k all in the wan

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Some of you chaps are like RTE. Trying to root any tiny bit of negativity in what’s a joyous achievement and event.


Well done mate. The mythical 25 minutes is within grasp

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I believe you.
You could also throw up the section with the splits and let them do the math.

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I did 8k this morning with Matty Claire and my lad. 5.30 average pace.
I’m defo going to try and find the charging cable for my watch this morning so I can go in Strava. I haven’t the energy to carry my phone tbh.

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Sorry pal. This is @Bandage’s day.


I know that mate. He’s had his 15 mins now.
I got in and did a full body weights class with some gym bunny on peloton. I’m in the bath now and I’m bored.
I have work in an hour :pleading_face:

This. I’ve had the running gear on twice now but even @BruidheanChaorthainn worst weather predictions couldn’t ready me for the icy wind.

Joe Wicks and some tasty blonde on YouTube have me hobbling like Dinny from Glenroe.


What’s that mate?

This wan would bring in the cattle for you n’all



You see the same on the Father’s Issues thread.

We’re congratulating someone for a new arrival, their first, after a long and emotional IVF journey and a hugely difficult and stressful labour for the mother.

And then some other cunt comes along and says…my 7 year old doesn’t like playing with Lego anymore. Any recommendations for other toys?

Well today is not about Lego, Ed, Claire Swimming, Matty and these other random fuckers.

It is MY DAY.


Can’t say fairer than that mate. I’m going to slink off now and lick my wounds.

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You can post about your own exercise from midday onwards.

Fair is fair.

That’s an extremely generous offer.

What I’m listening to now. Best the GOAT of mythology.

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That’s 27:27 in any man’s language.

As Bernard Brogan would say, I’m going after this.

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Thats what the experts would call a negative split, and with the incline against you.

Do a bit of a warm up first and you’ll get it below 27 no problem.