Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Big gap between @Wexford1996 and the rest you mean. There wont be much between us. What time you average for those 400s

Agreed. Iā€™m a mess overthinking this. Was gonna go now but I got hungry and made a toasted tuna sandwich so Iā€™m going for a cycle instead. Will log one before the end of the week.

The senior B lads need to get logging times.
If no one puts up a time theyā€™ve nothing to target.

The senior has already been decided, although @Tassotti is a bit of an unknown quantity.

I think we could mix groups but still score them off their levelā€¦ So me, you, Fenway and Mike hunt in a groupā€¦ You get a point for beating your sub time. Additional point for every minute you went under and bonus points on how quick you were over all for your levelā€¦ Just a way to mix it up or you could have the same lads in the same groups

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Iā€™ll give it welly. Thereā€™s a nice road up to the shore (called the Shore Road remarkably) near me. Itā€™s a big long straight road of 1.5km, like being back in the country. Iā€™ll run up, back down, back up, and back down a bit. Thatā€™ll be 5km. Itā€™s the route I used in the summer 5km. The only problem is youā€™d meet the odd tractor, truck or car and end up jumping in and out of the ditch as I did that day.

These were the results from the summer 5k.

Edit: I think @Wexford1996 may have been an addition after those times

I will create a separate thread for it next week, and we will sort out the specifics.

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Deffo narrow the different levelsā€¦ But the idea above would be a good way of all levels competing against each other.

Elitist prick

About 3:40
I just want to go under 20
I wonā€™t be making any concessions to my ā€˜trainingā€™, I might take Friday off next week to have a go on Saturday


How many did you do ?

Ran one at the start of the month. Havenā€™t done one since. Doing longer distances. Iā€™ll go again next week and see can I beat this effort.


8, with 200 easy in between

Itā€™s tough, no craic anyway

Iā€™m going attempting something very similar later on.

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Table updated

No word from that weasel @Crutches

Thatā€™s very good. I was slower than that this week.

Went out to do 5k on Monday night on a route I never ran before.

I didnā€™t feel the watch vibrate when I hit the 5k and was about 5.5k when I copped I had gone over, so just kept going till I got back to the car which was around 6.5k in total.

Hoping to get out and do the same loop tonight and this time Iā€™ll know where the 5k ends so Iā€™ll post a time tonight.