Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge


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Thatā€™s when Iā€™m at my best. I need the detractors to come at me ā€¦ They all wrote me off so they did. I showed em all so I did. I loves me running.

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When you find a relatively decent runnable trail, thereā€™s no nicer feeling than letting go on a downhill. But you always got to be looking 20 metres ahead.

Iā€™ve you down for an all shtar

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Lads like @Fran who have nothing but their little place on the TFK running league are threatened, and lashing out right and left like a wounded tinker.


Itā€™s funny because itā€™s true :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

As a very young chap, I was entered into the Garda sports day in Limerick. Iā€™d say I was 6 or 7. There was a race (Iā€™m guessing 60 metres). I was in the lead at the halfway point, when I spotted my Dad and stopped for a chat. If he had waited at the finish line instead, I would have won and it no doubt would have kickstarted an illustrious running career. Instead, I was washed up within a few years.

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Any chance of you stop fucking around going up hills and put a time on the record?

Tipp cunt.


Fine margins can decide a lifeā€¦I still day dream about winning that 400 dash and the lavish lifestyle that I should have had .

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Iā€™d say Iā€™ll wait til the 28th to try it out. Give it one good shot.

A young Tom might have been the man to stop Michael Johnson in Sydney in 2000.

If you have the route sorted in your head then itā€™s all down to weather. I said Iā€™d put a time in and then try and better it. You donā€™t know what will happen on the day.

Do all who donā€™t put a time in get automatically relegated? Or at least are the first to go down?

Bang onā€¦ My South Pacific Islander physique didnā€™t develop till around 2003ā€¦ I could have been a contender.

Iā€™ll get out again Sunday. Sunday is a day for the hills. Tuesday of next week I might have an opening. If I can try it then, I will. I did the summer 5km in the pissing rain.

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Iā€™m half thinking of doing it today. Itā€™s lashing out but thatā€™s okay, all about the wind. The thoughts of turning round in Passage and jogging the 7k back home is a dose though. Might get herself to come down and pick me up.

Would you not just turn around at 2.5k and run back? Youā€™ll only lose a second on the clock.

And go back into the prevailing wind? No way pal. Iā€™m in the relegation spot, need to pull out all the marginal gains I can get.

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The wind factor is marginalā€¦ If you start at Hartys Quay and go up Roco road then onto the greenway thereā€™s little wind. Youā€™ll have that on the return also.

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i still have nightmares about the leinster schools steeplechase 5k in 91 when fuckacting and hubris on the water jump cost me dearly

Weā€™ve the makings of a great documentary here.