Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

I’ve the day off. I had a vanilla protein drink which tastes like custard, and I’m in the bath.
The snappers are on teams all day.
Might wander up to the bakery at lunchtime.
Dark and wet here
Living the dream


I’d suggest having the craic with the kids to alleviate the boredom of their zoom schooling. Dress up in some of mrs flattys clothes and stroll into their room and start dancing behind the camera or something. Or go buy a couple of 2 litres of coke and a pack of mentos.

I’m allergic to latex.

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Senior Sub 20
backinatracksuit 19’25
R TreatyStones 20’26
Senior B Sub 23
@Gavrilo-Princip 20’26
@Fat_Pox 20’52
PhattPike 22’37
Mac 22’42
FlattyandMatty 22’56
R Caulifloweredneanderthal 23’09
Premier Intermediate Sub 25
P @ Loko_Cove 21’25
P @ alf_stewart 21’33
@RaymondCrotty 23’46
@Fran 24’23
@Gman 24’56
R @Locke 26’11
Intermediate Sub 28
@Spidey 25’58
Ralphie 26’08
@Thomas_Brady 26’19
@ Juhniallio 26’21
@ Bandage 26’33
@ TheUlteriorMotive
Junior A Sub 32
Jahan 30’00
Junior B Sub 35
Walkers 35+
@ artfoley
@ Batigol

Fucksake… I was building nicely for around 25.30 time. Hopefully I get one more lash at it.


60 seconds was very short recovery.

Im going to have a crack at beating @backinatracksuit tonight. I wont have any wind to help. I was out last night and the wind is deffo worth 10-15 secs a mile imho.


If I go sub 25min am I out of the relegation spots?

If you go sub 25 you might even get the start for Cork,

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I’ve a lunchtime run set up. I’m going for it!

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You don’t need an MRI, you’re getting recurring small tears because you’ve got a bit of inflexible scar tissue in your muscle. Rehab it properly. Do NOT start stretching it until it’s had a chance to heal and even then build up the stretching nice and slow. Cycling is brilliant for rehab.
Try that tape thing then

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I like the way you have @fenwaypark ahead of @backinatracksuit even though fenners hasn’t even run yet. And @Julio_Geordio in relegation even though he hasn’t run yet. Terrific mind games

No good to him now, but running in a swimming pool is also brilliant… For nearly all injuries.

I’m expecting a 24:10 from @Gman any of these days :worried:

Would yourself and @Thomas_Brady go for a run together, take the first 4 in 20 minutes and battle it out on the line, guaranteed to bring you both under 25


@Bandage does not like this


I know we have divisions but there has to be some sort of handicap system. How can a 15st man like me compete with little whippets like @Fran or @RaymondCrotty?

Interesting :thinking:

TB is undergoing intense rehab currently. He isn’t up to beating Locke just now.

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