Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

I used to be about 17.5st. Iā€™m hovering around the 12 mark now. Still donā€™t think I can ever be described as a whippet though :smile:

Obviously down the line youā€™ll beat me, just not now :joy:


Sounds like someone is too chicken to take @Locke on

Kilkenny 1-0 Limerick

I would say it was 30 years ago when I was last 12 stone! The closest I got to that was just under 14st back in 2011 when I did my first TdeM. I was miserable with the hunger.

doubtful Fran. Not logging enough runs to improve times. Weather is horrendous too and not helping the matter. Iā€™ll get in another run before the end of the month, but not sure if Iā€™ll be going for speed or just doing a handy 5k trail. Aim will be to do both, so will see.

I have an excellent physio Iā€™ve gone to in the past for other issues, would it be worth a few visits to get a proper rehab programme?

Iā€™ll have a go at my 5km tomorrow or Friday

Iā€™ve not run further than 3km in about six months but Iā€™ve run more consistently in last month than for years which is all down to here.

I might even sign up to Strava and upgrade my watch


Yeah definitely. Physio is not about the hour in there with them as much as the rehab they give you and make you accountable for doing.

A physio once told me that.

I never did a timed run before the initial charity lockdown run last May or whenever it was. I ran that through trails wearing a pair of astro turf runners. Can genuinely say if it wasnt for TFK and this jogging fad, (or yogging, might be a slient J), I wouldnt be at this now still.

As fads on this place goes, this is one of the better ones I signed up to.


Isnā€™t TFK a fad that we all signed up to back in 2007?


probably. Better than that golf forum fad anywayā€¦


Honestly, you could Google it and save your money and time imho.

TFK is an fad nua

Correctā€¦ Physio might be good for some tissue / message work initially but the exercises you could Google/ YouTube. It might still be no harm to rule out other mechanical issues that could be at play.

This is like F1 qualifying in the old days when I watched it. Lads waiting for the last few minutes to post a time before one of their rivals has a chance to better it.

Iā€™m going out for my 2nd and final 5k run of the month this afternoon/evening. Iā€™m doubtful I will better my previous attempt.


2015 here!

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Thereā€™s certainly a air of excitement, verging on giddiness, building.

Will have another go at end of week, going in the right direction anyway.


The physio Iā€™m thinking of is the only one Iā€™ve ever been truly happy with. He accurately diagnosed a very tricky issue I had, where a previous physio had failed to do so. Heā€™s like a doctor the way he goes through things and never seemed to bring you back in needlessly. Heā€™ll give you the exercises and leave it you to work away on them. Iā€™d kinda like to be accountable to someone too in terms of a rehab programme.

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