Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

I will go again at weekend. Im looking for a quick and fair route.

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I’m ready to go through a wall after reading that.


As Fenners said, a quick and fair route. Went down beside the Naval Base to the new park there.


  • great surface
  • 1km around exactly
  • markers every 200m


  • the wind
  • walkers
  • scooters

But it was a fair route and I did what for me was a good time. Take the R away from my name @caulifloweredneanderthal


Is there any route on the southside of the city you haven’t tried to get an edge?

I don’t believe so, no.


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Well done, how was the pacing? I would be of the opinion that the fast 1st K stood to you later on but others might feel you could have gone even faster if you paced it evenly, say a 4:50 all the way and all out for the last 400???

I thought I was going grand for the first 1k, felt good and my heart rate confirms that but then I thought I was going too fast so I checked myself, knowing I’d need it on the 3rd and 4th laps (the 5th you just go for it). I would have been of the school of all out at the start and hang on but you have to pace yourself. There was say 300m with the wind and I found myself holding back a bit at around 4:50 pace and taking a breather and then using effort to stay around 5:00 pace into the wind.
I don’t know, got under 25mins, that was the aim. Flaahed now.


I was nearly going to head out to put in a time but it’s lashing rain.

1 second faster and you would have beaten @Fran

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@caulifloweredneanderthal mark me down for 33 minutes in the Junior B section please.

My unexpected success meant I was late back to work and had to present to senior management on Zoom wearing a sweat stained version of this jersey, with a big red roaster head on me, gasping for breath.


I have the consolation of knowing I didn’t run downhill the whole way.


Delighted to hear this mate. Delighted :muscle::muscle:

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dear god that jersey is an abomination

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im gonna try and crack the 30 before the end of the month.

@caulifloweredneanderthal can you be promoted 2 tiers in a season?

Well done bud - I’d be running for my life in that too


Not enough to win the senior B but an improvement on my earlier Feb run.


Fair play kid… 6min pace the next target

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That’s a man of the match performance, superb.

Well done @Fat_Pox, the sub 20 is tantalizingly close


Great time and a lovely track to do your 5km in. Many about?