Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Iā€™ll be stepping down as chairman at the end of the month at the AGM. I wonā€™t be seeking reelection. Iā€™ll stay on as an ex-officio member

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I think the same categories as the 5km, posters choose themselves where they want to go depending on the targets

Oh dear. I plucked my phone from out of my pocket when I thought I was close to 5km, as I wanted to click through the gears to finish. 4.82km gone fine, charge! Sprinted, sprinted some moreā€¦that was surely 180m. Stopped, plucked phone out of pocket again. I had fucking accidentally paused it at 4.82km after 25ā€™25 when putting it back in my pocket. It wouldnā€™t have been fair then to start up again to finish it off. I definitely would have beaten my 26ā€™33 though. Iā€™m mentally scarred now and absolutely seething.


Thatā€™s a very unfortunate set of events ā€¦ Iā€™d say you were close to 26 even

I was 21ā€™10 through 4km and think my last km would have averaged off around 5ā€™ with the sprint at the end. Maybe around 26ā€™10 then at worst but alas no. Sure lookit, Iā€™ll store this pain ahead of the March challenge.

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Plenty of time for another go over the weekend.

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Exactly. Itā€™s Thursday morning. You could go out again on Sunday afternoon/evening and have well over three days rest. Sure theyā€™ll be teams playing Europa cup tonight in Kazakstan and will be playing the lunchtime game on Sunday. Not Celtic mindā€¦

Very close @Bandage

I think with the volume you are doing, you need to be investing in a fitness wearable to avoid such errors in the future.

Itā€™s like reading a post from 2018ā€¦ His phone :grinning:

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Couldnā€™t agree more, itā€™s a game changer. Just try and keep tabs on your charger cc @flattythehurdler


A what?!

Re weekend running (cc @Juhniallio, @Locke), itā€™s tricky with the two young chaps at home. Weekday mornings after crĆØche drop off and before work are ideal with a quiet park.

I usually only get out for one run at weekends, often on a Sunday night, but Iā€™d be afraid to go into the park after dark in case I get molested and street running isnā€™t amenable for setting a time.

I did have a rare run last Sunday afternoon in St Anneā€™s Park but it was packed. Youā€™d come to a complete standstill regularly with families, scooters, cyclists, dog walkers, other runners, rollerbladers (they seem to be back in Dublin?), grannies, kids etc etc taking up the entire width of the pathways.

I was also lapped by my life partnerā€™s friend, which was embarrassing, but sheā€™s a 17 minute 5km runner.

I have a lot of excuses here, but Iā€™m not ruling out a Sunday morning tilt before the park gets busy.

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A watch you cunt.

I havenā€™t owned a watch in over 20 years. Sure why would you need a watch when your phone can tell you the time?

@Bandage - turn this feature on in Strava and youā€™ll get an audio update for each km rather than fustering around with your phone

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Because you canā€™t seem to work your phoneā€¦

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The Fitbit has to be really tight on your wrist to track your distance travelled properly. Iā€™ve taken to using my phone again after a below par run whilst using the Fitbit.

Running in the evening time is tough. I find that between kids/meals etc itā€™s incredibly easy to blank it. Running first thing in the morning is the bomb. Up, rested, no food in your belly so youā€™re feeling light. Get it done and feel good about yourself all day, even if Celtic lose to jockstrap United. Moral of the story, pick a day, tell Mrs B youā€™re going for a run at 7.30/8, dont stay up late drinking by yourself the night before. Youā€™ll have the park to yourself and beat 26mins.


Fitbits are shite.


Iā€™m ready to run through a wall after reading that.

Iā€™m going to do this on Sunday morning.