Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

Just a wee point of order here, unless it’s crushed Cocktails shouldn’t have ice as a rule. Otherwise carry on as you are

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The recipe actually specified cubed ice. I was only following orders.

Didn’t they have any Balbec brew?

I was putting cubed (roughly) ice in my White Russians

Follow my orders from now on and you’ll be set


I’m rightly set at the moment.

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Those Pinta lads make great beers worth a try if you see them. Had a couple with @ciarancareyshurlingarmy in Krakow in January.

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Its a lazy drink so possibly let you away with it this time. If you don’t have a shaker just pour with the ice from one glass to the other about 5 or 6 times then strain it for a much more rewarding White Russian experience


A group of us went to a funeral of another friend of ours one night, usual funeral story, women buzzing around the place making themselves busy. We were asked did we want a drink, 3 of us said a bottle of beer, the 4th lad asked her for a white Russian. Fair play to her, she went off and eventually came back it.

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Ya he’s a great choice to be fair, although I find while it’s a great selection the first time you go in, he isn’t getting a lot new. But it’s the best by far for choice. You’ll pay for it though, bought 4 crafties tonight and you wouldn’t be far off a round of 4 in a pub. One of the craft brewers needs to cotton on and sell a six pack for a tenner or something. They’d clane up

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They did but I’m on a Pilsner buzz at the minute. I reckon the Czechs have it right

Women are great for stuff like funerals. They think of things normal people mightn’t even consider

You’ll never go to far wrong. They haven’t all sold out to the big players either.

It was some bollox acting to ask for it, but by fuck off she went and produced it

Are mixed drinks served with ice not technically cocktails? I’ve been working diligently on perfecting my Singapore Sling recipe, you can almost feel the Raffles vibe from this latest one.


They are a superior species really. The missus is unreal for remembering birthdays etc. She posted a mate of mine a present for a new baby there yesterday. I’d say if we were in lockdown for ten years I wouldn’t have thought of doing it when we weren’t visiting them. He’d got me one as well, but sure that was his missus as well. They make the world go round

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Women have a fantastic talent for long term memories, can be handy alright but occasionally detrimental.

I was surprised to find urquell were still independent. Was sure they’d be working for someone else. Makes it harder to get your hands on though, but an rud is anamah is iontach

Himself and O’Briens would have the best selections in the city.

Even from the point of view of convenience, I’ve never understood why some of the crafteries haven’t caught on more to the idea of a 4-6er pack. Many’s the time I’ve gone into a Dunnes or Supervalu, had a few other bits in hand, got to the booze section and just gone for a box of Brewdog cause it’s the easiest thing to carry.


Ah ya, they never forget…