Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

Session ales can go for such prices. O Hara’s do 4 500ml for 10, nothing wrong with it. Some of the craft beer crowd are too precious, attitude is I’m not selling my pride and joy for the same as a can of heineken or whatever. They could well afford to but their superiority complex wouldn’t even countenance it

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The first to move will make serious bank I think

Yeah Staropramen was sold.

They don’t have the scale though. The glass in a Heineken bottle costs more than the beer.

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No. You’ll always get some pedantic mook calling your regular G&T a cocktail alright. Luckily we don’t attract those typw of people on TFK

Remember that being popular in the Boatclub in Limerick mid 2000s. Place was rank with farts from it though

It’ll be McGargles, BrĂș or O’Haras if it happens. They’re the only lads who could afford to do it.

It’s endemic with the yanks, they call every mixed drink a cocktail. Luckily there are no real yanks on TFK.

@Flano is an American

That’s fair. To mass produce then somewhat defeats your major selling point. The stuff costs fuckall to make though once you’re up and running. There is a nice little earner there for whoever figures it out

The Brewery crowd in Athlone are worth keeping an eye too in this regard. They are the brains behind this too

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Never heard of him.

@Big_Dan_Campbell ran him off TFK

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Welcome to the future gentlemen

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I’m in. Where do I sign up

Those tables with the beer tap built in could become all the rage again

The Pour your own pint tables are an idea that was laughed at at the time and rightfully so but the world has changed, there’s a lot of talk about it now again. The waste from suit wearing gimpy types though trying to pour their own pints and making a right fuck of it, expecting then not to be charged for the 6 pints waste they produced made it unsustainable

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It doesn’t work at all. But it might have to now. Hopefully I’m better at pulling a pint then I used to be

The beauty of this is it’s all inclusive with the gas on the side, civilians always forget about the gas when they are building the dream bar in the the basement

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There’s a good few reps living round here that have set up lads with gas for functioning taps. They are doing laps of each other’s shebeens with the last few weeks :pint:

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