Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

Them cans I bought Friday were 440ml :hot_face:

Have both

You’ve been swindled out of the bones of 3 cans there. You’ll be essentially still sober once you’ve polished off the slab.

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I still maintain I got the value though.

I got 10.56l of Cider for 28 euro.

Which is €2.65 per litre of cider.

Supervalu have the below which works out at €3 per litre :slight_smile:


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And I bought 6 bottles of various IPAs for just under 400 euro today. :grimacing: I think we may approach drinking differently.

Tesco Premium Value was my weapon of choice back in my cider days. Think they did 3 litres for €2. You were essentially losing money every time you didn’t buy it.

Those bottles are for women. Set fire to the kip


400 euro is a slight exaggeration. I think I might have got 4 cans + 4 bottles for about €25, I’d have to check the receipt. Craft beering is an expensive habit.

Vulgar display of wealth there mate.

No need for it at all so there wasn’t.

The economy collapsing and @PhattPike rubbing it in everyone’s face how wealthy he is. Very unseemly

All them three-fiddles don’t grow on trees man. My vulgar taste for IPAs is keeping Ireland Inc afloat.

A few Mojitos and now on the whiskey sours.
This wont end well.


I’m after a hape of morettis with the neighbours. First time drinking outside the house. I’m on a fierce high

They’re gone to bed and I’m only mad for road

Down to the club now for a few socially distant disco biscuits and bangin choons.

I’m mad for a proper session. No drugs. Just craic

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Get back in under that bed ta fuck

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I was never under it chappy. I spent the first part running between the arse of Kerry and Cork

Good man glad to hear it. The world is far nicer when there’s not a bed over your head.