Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

Sounds like Thatcher alright


That did occur to me as I wrote it.


Of a Monday!!!

No work tomorrow mate :smiley:

My favourite beer at the moment

Dirty dog


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Get yourself a man size bottle.

Three small ones in the fridge. Plenty for a Monday mate

Is the tip to put the beer in the freezer?

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Picked this up yesterday. This is the reservation. They also had a Diplomatico Mantuano - guy said it was less aged. I’ll try sipping it this evening before I fire in a ginger beer or ginger ale.

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Wet kitchen paper around bottle and into freezer is quickest way

I use it a lot. Works well. Don’t forget about it though.

Just to clarify, the system is:

Wrap kitchen paper around the bottle.
Wet the paper with cold water.
Place in freezer for 20 minutes.

Also, if drinking from a glass, a quick win is to put the glass in the freezer for a few minutes.

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Did it as a kid. With a milk bottle. Forgot about it :man_shrugging:t2:

@ciarancareyshurlingarmy don’t know if it’s good value vs normal prices but they’ve 660ml bottles of Estrella on offer in Aldi for I think it was €2.90

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I get 6 500ml cans for 11e. The cans are good.

I picked up one to give it a whirl