London Calling

What’s Gibney’s like? cc @Tassotti

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Time Out, lol

There were Culhanes from foynes too who had a pub in north London. Around Hounslow I think.

The Shannon house is in a bad state these days. Sad to see

The last time I was there I was about 17 and remember getting a nagan of vodka off me. We were on the way to ballybunion.

You have to hand it to these Irish lads who go to London and make it big.

Those lads from Kerry running The Parish Bar are an absolute inspiration too. And of course @Tassotti

I’m surprised they haven’t filled it with Ukrainians

And New York as well as other east cost cities. One things for sure paddy knows how to ruin a bar. In England they haven’t a clue. There could be ten behind the counter and they wouldn’t keep it flowing.


English pubs are absolutely awful.

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Mad stuff isn’t it somebody can just die without anybody noticing.

I went out for a few pints the other evening for the Munster game. Was probably 60 people on the pub half watching match and 7 or 8 other big groups just drinking in a good solid townie boozer.

One lad behind the bar. He kept it pucked out to the entire place not a bother. The odd time the squeeze might come on hed get somone outside the bar to fill the ice bucket or change a keg maybe. A masterful performance

A youngish lad as well I might add…early 30s


I’d have relatives in the business. A good bar man is worth a fortune to a pub. Some fellas have a gift for it.


Did it for years in college in various spots around cork. Loved it. Most enjoyable job I ever had. Some craic to be knocked out of it. Id am awful habit of not going home after the pub was closed though which isn’t good long term


Nope it’s a difficult life style alright and you tend to be busy when you want to be off too. It suits some lads but as you say it can become an unhealthy life style very quickly.

I often thought about starting my own pub.

My missus worked a few bars in Cork and west Kerry back in the day and loved it, would probably do a few busy shifts for free now just for the craic

On Sunday we went to Myles Breen before the match, they were on the ball, three of them kept the show on the road and it was heaving, then Sextons after the match, but of a disaster, of course they had to take pizza orders as well but it was a joke, they were taking shouts from lads while ignoring people at the bar, they just didn’t have it for a busy run

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I was in there before the match, and it was fairly quiet, and they were still a bit all over the shop.

There was a wan working in there reminded me of the old county council joke, what goes up the road and down the road but never touches the road.

Ideal spot for before hand though. 20 minutes walk to the GG, but no hassle getting a pint

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And your man Massey having a go at me on this thread too :sweat_smile: