London Calling

Heading over with the family this coming weekend.

Will try to hit all the usual sites.
Itā€™s Chinese New Year as well, so supposedly a massive parade on Sunday morning.


You should pick up some of these from Chinatown Bakery, supposed to be good luck for the new year.

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What a fuckin city to be fair. Youā€™d never get to the bottom of it.


Have you done the Imperial War Museum? Iā€™ve been meaning to do it for years.


Imperial war museum is great. I want to do the history museum next time Iā€™m down.

No heading to the British Museum this morning. Daughter is keen to see the Egyptian stuff


They had to give all that back.
The War Museum is the berries.

Itā€™s brilliant. Much better than the Churchill War Rooms

No they didnā€™t.

Well worth it

Thereā€™s a grand Pizza Express on Coptic Street just across the road from the museum if the youngster likes pizza.

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I looked like some roaster trying to pay for a wand and other over priced merch in Harry Potter Studios with a ball of crumpled up paper notes Iā€™d had stashed away since Cheltenham 2016.

"Iā€™m sorry sir, we canā€™t accept those "

ā€œWhat ya mean?ā€

ā€œThey havenā€™t been legal tender for 2 yearsā€


I got caught out with obsolete pound coins in Newmarket a couple of years ago.

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Ok, maybe not all. But a lot of the good valuable stuff is gone back. So if you wanted to see something specific youā€™d want to be checking first.

Some of the collections that tour around the world are great. But youā€™d need to get your timing right and have your research done.

To be fair @Mac is no better.

Everything in blighty is paid for by card now.I was in Manchester a while back and took out Ā£100 in cash in the airport in case I needed it and brought most of it home with me.I had to spend it in Belleek.


Iā€™ll take them off you, no worries


To be fair a kindly caribbean lady took pity on me in a dodgy looking post office on Edgware road and said sheā€™d change them to new money for me in exchange for a 5 star google review. She said by rights I had to go to the Bank of England with them.


Ethnic restaurants and corners shops love cash

Are Wembley markets still going on a Sunday morning