Long Live the king

Oh this wager is an absolute NAP.

Shit are we meant to be learning?

Arrested Development Taking Notes GIF by HULU

It’s a mental auld arrangement really, the whole monarchy thing. Flicked over to Euronews there and caught a No Comment segment - King Charlie was out and about, shaking the hands of his new subjects at impressive speed as they thrust camera phones in his face and chanted his name. House private, no flowers.

A Limerick wan in the crowd on a 2 day holiday delighted to meet him according to henry Keane newstalk

Makes a change from the tugging the forelock to the Limerick monarchs in Martinstown



Top man Pat O’Connell. I was reading there that he was invited to Buckingham Palace in 2014 and corresponded with Her Majesty over the years. Got his last letter from her just over a month ago.

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People From Cork bring out the best in others. We wouldn’t be insular like

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A lot of insularity and insecurity on display on this thread since Thursday evening.

Maybe Eire hasn’t quite matured as a Nation yet.


Where is the Irish Republican Socialist pub quarter?

Maybe it’s the Harbourmaster or some other pub down that direction that the Pretend IRA IFSC Brigade frequent.


The Workers Party club on Gardiner Place was the only place I knew that opened early on a Sunday. Many an early Sunday morning, @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy, @Funtime and I would get the head together in there.

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More fruit cakes….

Little Britain Street.

He definitely posts here.

I presume non European featuring premier league footballers had the private jets fired up by this morning and are in Dubai by now? When will they play again?

Incredible scenes at Windsor! Harry and Megan walking with William and Kate, a real moment of rapprochement between the two couples, the crowd reacted with joy and immediately understood the significance of the moment, a really extraordinary moment


Even in death Mama is delivering miracles for Charles