Long Live the king

The King needs to act decisively with these rabble rousing work shy Sussexes.

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The Sussex is a great laying hen, I won’t have a word said against them.


he has an awful job on his hands with that lout Harry


He’s a slum landlord the jug eared cunt. Fucking his Serfs. #ScumKing.

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Mick Wallace has called for Prince Henry to be put on trial for war crimes. I suppose that would be one way to take him out of the picture.

Any point in having a mass said?

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In the old days you’d just chop his head off.


Hed want to have a quiet word in his fathers ear

Gas cunts the Brits; they’d go to the ends of the earth to defend some Para who shot innocents in Derry or Ballymurphy but slate a lad for admitting to killing a couple of dozen Taliban


I was suprised that he was anywhere near the frontline. Thought he would have been in a manor house 100 miles from the action

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He was probably a drone operator sitting in Germany or Turkey; went to Afghanistan for a few photo ops.

the only lads he killed where on a PlayStation, he was wrapped in cotton wool the whole time ffs, must have been on coke that time aswell


Young arry should come out and say his not a Windsor. Would be box office

Harry Hewitt


@Bandage had a topical opening post on this thread.


I think the mother was Dunne before she married


It will happen I reckon. The question is will it be before or after jug ears kicks the bucket.

Father was Enright

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I say sooner rather than later. Hes what 4th in line now, he wont get the big job. After a few months of heavy hitting from the british rags, he will have his peace or more of it which he wants to live a somewhat normaler life than he would as a royle. He wants out and some privacy, he’ll never get it fully but to the levels than most hollywood stars get. Himself and meg wont be long out of work either, there would be fesr of him. I feel sorry for the chap, he was born into having every bit of his life from day one brushed through with a fine tooth comb