Long Live the king

Context does mean a lot. So let’s look at the context here. Some of the most privileged people in the world settling a few scores and making accusations that won’t be proven or disproven. In an interview that has earned them millions for what amounts to a tabloid interview. Of course they are portraying themselves as victims as that sells. There’s not one other interesting thing about them.


There nothing quite like the Royal Family and English Premier League soccer to get the passions of the Micks all fired up.


Everyone knows the Royals are scum.

Your one Meghan seems like a narcissist though.

The main thing to come out of this is that Oprah is the true Queen

I find it funny a bunch of Irish lads jumping in to the defend the royal family. You included.

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That was probably just a bit of banter. Sure loads of things get said at family events after a few brandies.

I see one of Megan’s friends said she moved to London to try and find an English footballer to boast her profile.

I’m not defending them I couldn’t care less. They are all equally as vapid and useless as each other. I’m amused by your outrage though. Meghan will be fine. I’m sure she appreciates your support :grinning:

Get out and get a bit of air ye useless cunts. The nicest day of the year so far and yere like aul wans gossiping at a fucking coffee morning. Over a hundred posts of pure shite. Get out ta fuck


Example of racism alleged. You and others jump it to pillory the person who raised it. Bizarre response really, I think it tells a lot.

What do you find funny about it?

It’s not funny.

It’s bizarre.

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It’s about respect

It’s bizzare alright. But shur look if you can help get justice for Meghan fair play to you. I’m sure there’s an online petition or something you can sign. Good luck on your noble endevours.


Too black to be a prince.

A number of misspellings in that post, and a pretty weak effort to misrepresent what I said.

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speaking as someone whose kids are very different colours - one with brown eyes and blond hair ( that will go BTW)., the other with blue eyes and brown/black hair . that at one stage had me questioning were they even mine i can totally relate to that…
Its called curioisity…100%

both sets of parents love chatting about it… its almost along the lines of " i wonder will he get your eyes?"… in our case if it was a boy will they look like Peter Beardley or Benjamin Netanyahu ( or something along those lines)… i look like a bottle of sour milk, she look like a can of varnish with the lid off… its simple and natural to ask these questions

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OK Donald :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The same lads who would be first in line to take the queens shilling are the ones rushing to defend the Windsors here. No surprise to see a cohort of the usual suspects at it.