Long Live the king

Have they not seen Coming to America?

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Very juvenile rantings from @Lazarus about ‘the queens shilling’ and the like.

I thought the Micks had gone and matured as a nation by this stage.


sure wasnt hazza taking the queens shilling until it wasnt enough and then he took netflix’s shilling.

and in the interview he was bitching about not getting the queens shilling

The jingoistic turn John Bull has taken recently has people questioning our future relationship with the monarchy even gentle minded folk such as myself. That this extend right to the very top echelons of society, indeed the royal family itself, I think tells you who are the ones lacking in maturity as a nation

Racists and nonces.

Is that the kind of Royal family the Irish people want to be obsessed with? It appears so.


Yerrah fuck the Windsors, the Genovian Royal Family is where it was always at

He’s still drawing a hefty wedge from his father. I’d expect that to be cut off after his treason.

i thought he was complaining that charlie cut him off last year

I’ve looked into this and he was indeed apprehended with McMahon prior to the explosion. Local anecdotal reports say that McGirl was merely supplying transport for the day and that Ballinamore was used as a kind of halfway house between South Armagh and Mullaghmore.

It was a premeditated killing that required daring, skill and no small measure of ruthlessness. While local provos of that era had many attributes, an assignment of that nature was well beyond their operational abilities.


And the more racist and more noncy the royals get, the more the Irish are obsessed.

did meghan know about this?

Politicians condemn Prince Harry over ‘racist’ remark | UK news | The Guardian

or this

maybe harry asked if the kid will be black or white

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I heard he’s related to Kaiser Wilhelm, the scamp.

That was a bit of Craic

Poor John Bull is seething

Was your wan promoting a book?

There was a photo on here the other day where one of the 3 women was the bulb off a squaw.

EDIT: found it.

White man shouts down non-white woman as she speaks about racism. Thank god that’s not something that you see often.