Long Live the king

John Bull seething over some rabble rousing gold digging Yank mouthing off? Hardly.

Piers Morgan is hopping like sausages on a frying pan.

He’s only sour because she blanked him.

The Brits are rallying around Liz hard this evening. There was a quote from Oprah Winfrey on the Irish radio news headlines this evening - “they told her she should be 50% less herself”. Best advice my mother ever gave me was to be less myself. The Brits are just going to decide that Meghan is a narcissist and they’ll just despise her. I was talking to a very moderate unionist friend who told me that Meghan is just playing the race card. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a few “Oprah is a racist” scandals in the British press. I think Oprah is being very naive about what she’s taking on.

Its been a while since Liz got anyone hard.

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Flatty is a unionist now too?

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The other way round I reckon

That’s just the traditional family wear.

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Prince Henry comes out of this looking like some sap.

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I’d say Oprah doesn’t give two fucks. Shes one of the wealthiest women in the media. All shes interested in is keeping her name in lights for as long as she can.

I’ve received a MEME related to this whole Megan & Ginger interview thing on the WhatsApp and all I’ll say is yer wan Whoopi Goldberg is gone very shook looking.

It’s a sad day when you get called a racist just because you’re worried your great grandson will turn out ginger

I’d say youd be more relieved as long as he wasn’t a dead ringer for "uncle " Andy


I’ve only just seen this fucking shit is on RTÉ 2 for nearly 2 hours tonight. Jesus Christ.

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It’s on the IPTV if you want to get a head start pal. Get to skip the ads too

I’m watching on ITV

Watch the ratings its gonna get. It’ll be the biggest thing on TV in Cork all year.