Long Live the king

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Lovely. Tubs next please

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The lonely left win out again.

Take a look at my girlfriend
Shes the only one I got
Not much of a girlfriend
I never seem to get a lot
Take a jumbo across the water
Like to see America

Have you joined the Limerick Nazi clique?

He will be back soon. He is a cunt but is box office

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Didn’t Piers somewhat redeem his reputation holding Boris and Co to account over covid? I recall lots of - Piers I don’t agree with you on much but you’re dead right on this tweets over the last year- type commentary. Gas that the thick cunt has committed hari kari defending lizzie and the rest of those inbred fucks.

The UK will have two new Fox news style channels soon, one from uncle Rupert and the other fronted by Andrew Neil. Piers won’t be stuck

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I’m fed up of nobody allowing to have a different opinion.

Piers just got a bit and tired emotional. It is emotive for a lot of people to see our Queen and Royal Family under attack from this American upstart. Piers should have known better though.

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He was using his platform to demonize her because of a personal spat betwwen them. Not professional journalism

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Like the Royals, Piers folded fairly easily.

The poor divil.

The Royal Family has been around for centuries and even has a bit of history in seeing off jumped up American divorcees. Her Majesty has the widespread support of her subjects and not many are paying much attention to this rabble rouser.

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You’re very nationalistic, misogynistic and xenophobic in your views it seems Dan. You seem to be concentrating exclusively on Meghan but the damning testimony all came from harry. Why would you not heed his testimony?


Prince Henry has a bit of baggage on the racist front. I wouldn’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

The whole world is paying attention. The Queen seems like a grand woman but the lepjacks she raised are destroying the family name… It seems Megs wouldn’t go quietly into the night so they tried to destroy vher like they did to Diana. Fair play to young Harry… Had the balls to stand up to them. It’s almost like he comes from a different family to them with the courage he has shown.


Which one is Henry?

Miss Markle’s father and her half sister were paying attention to what she had to say anyway. Reiterating what a lot of us suspected from the time of the weddings. She’s a troublemaker. Nobody really left for her to fall out with in her own family anymore so she’s moved onto falling out with the husbands family.

Didn’t her father walk out on her when she was a child?