Long Live the king

Sure have the Sirs and Lords nowadays are just wealthy doners to the political machine, the other half are just civil serice lackies. The protocols are clearly flexible. I’m sure they could have sorted wee Archie the title his mother wanted were they so inclined

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The Snowflake sense of entitlement.

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I wonder will Galway draw mayo in the football when we get going

Imagine Don Cockburn posting that shite

Be fair going given he’s dead

I see now why @ChairmanDan is so flustered

Piers Morgan is very representative of what most British people are thinking right now.

If that’s what the NEWS and news reporters have become I’m glad he is not around to see it.

I’d say he’d prefer to be around rather than dead

However the Queen changed this to allow all of Williams children to get the HRH title and not just the eldest as in the 1917 protocol

Charles Mitchell had great gravitas


I wonder when the black lives matter brigade will gather outside the palace

Did they also change it to allow a female if first born ascend ahead of a male ?

I wouldn’t be too sure about that. 20 years ago, absolutely but I’d say probably anyone over the 45/50 mark might feel the same way as Piers but judging by the few snippets I’ve seen on the English news, the woke/blm clan have gained a lot of momentum around this craic.

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I’m sorry to hear Piers has been sacked.

I’ve left him a message of sympathy on my own voicemail so he should hear it.


“The whole point of being a rugby player is this is what they do to each other.”

I always thought Piers Morgan was just putting it all on until yesterday. I remember seeing him on the Celebrity Chase and he was as thick as two planks - like your average TFKer is far smarter than him. Not even joking. He badly needs to STFU.

The worst thing I can think to say about America is that the Brits who went there and were successful are Piers Morgan, Gordon Ramsay and James Cordon. That’s pretty damning.


Delighted for Piers Morgan, he holds the company line on Covid more than most over there - gas to see him fucked off ITV now over being the cunt that he is.

No harm

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Are you saying BLM are woke? Interesting. Don’t worry about good old Brittin becoming anti racist though. They got their Brexit.

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Dunno mike tbh.dont care either. The woke clan, the blm clan, they all seem to have mutated into one giant variant at this stage.

Yes they did. But Meghan is making out it could have been changed for theirs