Long Live the king

@Lazarus is falling part here. The Piers Morgan v Ellen Barkin post backfired spectacularly on him so now he’s posting up some video clip about Piers Morgan and rugby. What’s any of that got to do with the Royal Family?


Archie is a minor royal. 7th in line the throne. I don’t hear the Earl of Snowdon piping up asking why there wasn’t a derogation from the protocol in 1961 to allow him to become a Prince when he was 6th in line to the throne.

The sense of entitlement out of this non working American ‘royal’.

As in comparison to a “working” royal.

You know Vera Duckworth was related to the royals

She’d have put manners on meghan


The Royal family is in freefall. They won’t last too long after Lizzy moves on to better things. It’s probably time they got a Catholic on the throne to shake things up again

They have better than that. William’s a Villa fan. Makes them relevant

Danny Dyer is related to the royals. It did his nut in.


They’ve declared themselves unavailable for royal duties, set up camp in California and are complaining that Her Majesty (via the UK taxpayer) is no longer bankrolling them.


I wonder is there an angle for Bressie in this?

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Ooft morto for @ChairmanDan and @myboyblue

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I can’t forgive her for how she treated Gabriel

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Hows Ellen looking these days. Is she still worth a jab I wonder?

Keep dreaming bro

She’s had some work done

She ended up like Mike’s garden bench

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I would yeah