Long Live the king

Based what I know about the US justice system I wouldn’t want a jury over there deciding my fate on anything. They don’t seem to be composed of the brightest people.

I think this is exactly what Andrew is betting on.

Relax Walter Mitty, I’m only joshing with you

And plenty of guilty freed by a jury. It’s just what he said, I wasn’t in a position to comment really, just found it interesting. The main argument for me was why the rigid adherence to 12 good “men” and true etc.
Why 12, what is a peer, and why rely on a jury when most normal people manage to avoid it when asked?
You say “of course that’s bollix”. How do you know?
Given the lies told by the police, I doubt an English jury would have acquitted at that time, but who knows.
Nobody claimed either infallible.
Look at this.

He settled that case recently so he could sell the chalet.

I know, but what kind of bizarre deal was it that he just didn’t bother paying six million quid, yet ostensibly kept the chalet?

I wouldn’t dream of engaging in gossip and speculation on any upcoming jury trial. The rule of law and due process will take its course.

70 years on the throne today. What remarkable longevity and service.

Long to reign over us,
God save the Queen.

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The most iconic woman alive today now that Diana is dead

Diana Ross is dead? :flushed:

I had a curry like that once.


Oh no. :open_mouth:

As if her annus horribilius couldn’t have got any worse.

What happens if she goes to the great lizard tank in the sky just before Cheltenham? How will it affect bets? I read under operation London Bridge there will be something mad like 13 days of national mourning.



Her Highness has survived WW2, Progressive Rock and 11 Tory Governments. I don’t think a bit of runny nose is going to unduly concern her


Great opportunity for Vlad here to slip.in the back door of Ukraine. The brits will be preoccupied with this for months

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When I see her majesty fighting covid at almost 100 contrasted with videos doing the rounds of Phil Fodens mother involved in a punch up at the boxing last night your reminded how well off we are without them

What a wonderful extended weekend of festivities ahead for @Tassotti, @flattythehurdler and all the UK based crew to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee.

Best wishes as all well to @Chucks_Nwoko, @Fitzy and all of Her Majesty’s subjects throughout the Empire.

Enjoy the celebrations folks.

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