Long Live the king

2:46 in


Why though?

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Probably instructed to you’d imagine


Bizzare carry on. Not our monarch.

We closed the country to mourn after 9/11.

We’ve a special relationship with the United States and United Kingdom.

We also flew flags at half mast for deaths of Princess Diana, Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa. I’m sure there are others.

I’d expect similar respect when Coach Klopp passes to his eternal reward.


Ye sent commiseration to Germany when Hitler died


The pretend IRA are being mobilised.

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RIP. I always thought she came across a nice woman.

I wouldn’t be bothered with Charlie.

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Vol. Buff has had his say.

A sad day for the Pretend IRA/ Provisional IFSC crowd

No pretending in my bloodline chief :wink:

Standard protocol for the death of any major international head of state in fairness.

They will cancel everything this weekend.

I imagine they’ll expect to cancel everything next week too but the Champions League is a problem. There aren’t really (m)any free weeks with the World Cup coming up. But the Huns will hardly play at Ibrox during whatever official mourning period they have.

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Thanks very much mate. It’s a tough one for all her subjects. What a 70 year reign it was though. May she rest in peace.

Long Live the King.


Martin McGuinness could rise above it and treat the Queen with dignity and respect and it was reciprocated , Buff is still back in the dark ages no wonder a dealer won’t throw him a car.


Do ye start singing God Save The King now or whats the story Dan?

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Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy