Mad Men

[quote=“Sheriff Lobo”]Thats why we have spoilers my good man.
Their own fault if they click on a spoiler.[/quote]

I’ll tell you what. When you reach a double figure IQ come back and talk to me.
Tongue muncher.

Talking through your hole again I see. Badly exposed.

Everything little innocuous thing that happens in this show will lead to something. If you can’t see that then that’s you’re problem. I treated your original question seriously and then after re-reading it I realised how retarded it is.

Do you know how the series goes?

No I don’t but I can tell when something like what happens at the end of the last episode will have a major effect on the storyline.

[quote=“Flano”]Everything little innocuous thing that happens in this show will lead to something. If you can’t see that then that’s you’re problem. I treated your original question seriously and then after re-reading it I realised how retarded it is.

No I don’t but I can tell when something like what happens at the end of the last episode will have a major effect on the storyline.[/quote]

Relax you narky cunt. Just thought that you had a bit of info on the show as opposed to spouting shite.
Of course every episode ending is relevent to the storyline, thats nothing new.
Why dont you go suck on a cock to de-stress. Theres a good lad.

You wound me sir. I thought you were being a smart ass. You can’t really blame me what with the carry on of some people on here :thumbsup:

I’ll forgive you this time. :clap:

Just got round to watching this episode. Gonna spoiler this, just in case, but anyone coming into this thread should really know what to expect. Perhaps we should just move it all to the S3 Mad Men thread?

Shame on Peggy, shame shame shame.

Betty has bounced back incedibly well from the sprog, what a tidy piece of carpet that is. Fainting couch my hole, milling into couch more like.

Cooper has Don by the balls, he’s been waiting to use that bit of dirt on him for a while. Don is starting to get a lil stir crazy now, there’s definitely more to him than we’ve seen yet.


Its not been the best season so far for women virtues on Mad Men, first Peggy gives it up to Duck and now Betty, our saintly Betty, is acting out on Don.

Seems Don is up to his old tricks too mind you. Nice background of the Civil Rights movement too. Its an era ripe for the pluckings for a show like this.

The teacher is a bit of a fox.

Hendricks got married, disappointing stuff from the ginger







So Betty knows all, well not all, but she has the pieces of the puzzle, what she does with them will be the interesting part. For now she is going to hold the cards it seems, and keep her ace in the hole.

You have to imagine this cant end well for Don?

Yep, this was a big episode! MBB - Ya reckon Betty will bang yer man? Don would not like that one bit.

Don may have enough problems what with the takeover, the teacher, Betty finding out about him, Don’s chickens are coming home to roost so to speak. Huge similarities in theme between this and The Soprano’s, you can see the link in the writers thats for sure. For that reason, I can see it all continuing to work out for good ol Don, in the same way as it did for Tony.

Anyone stil watching?

Don is now a shadow of the man he once was. Betty knows and has his balls in a vice. Work knows and have made him sign a contract. The cool suave Don Draper is no more as the house of cards comes falling down. Very sad to see.

[quote=“myboyblue”]Anyone stil watching?

Don is now a shadow of the man he once was. Betty knows and has his balls in a vice. Work knows and have made him sign a contract. The cool suave Don Draper is no more as the house of cards comes falling down. Very sad to see.

Yeah I’m still watching, it’s after taking off big time…

[spoiler]Don even looks different now. It’s some fantastic acting on Jon Hamms part.

The JFK episode was brilliant altogether. Is the footage of the news broadcasts genuine?[/spoiler]

[quote=“Flano”]Yeah I’m still watching, it’s after taking off big time…

[spoiler]Don even looks different now. It’s some fantastic acting on Jon Hamms part.

The JFK episode was brilliant altogether. Is the footage of the news broadcasts genuine?[/spoiler][/quote]

I am only up the the gypsy and the hobo at the moment, havent got to the JFK ep yet. Thought I was up to date, but a quick look at the wiki shows I’m 1 behind at the moment, the Vuze must not have downloaded it.

Gypsy and hobo? What am I forgetting here?

Nevermind MBB. Episode name :thumbsup:

Its ok I was racking my brains to figure out how I missed JFK 's appearance!

Its ok I was racking my brains to figure out how I missed JFK 's appearance!

The whole of the next episode revolves around it. It’s done very well.

[quote=“Flano”]Yeah I’m still watching, it’s after taking off big time…

[spoiler]Don even looks different now. It’s some fantastic acting on Jon Hamms part.

The JFK episode was brilliant altogether. Is the footage of the news broadcasts genuine?[/quote]

Ya, he looks a broken man.

All the footage is genuine afaik, adds so much realism to it.

Heres Ruby softening Oswalds cough!
