Madeline McCann Thread

Shots fired

This is the wrong thread to be discussing this. This is another thread about Scouse manslaughterers

I thought that was a reasonable enough response? The shots were fired by the pompous lunatic and Big Mick decided to stick his oar in.

Funnily enough if you dig up that comment I made about Hegarty, which I have always acknowledged being incorrect about, and look at the next dozen or so posts after it you will find a number of Limerick posters who fully agreed with it. I think there might have been one poster who said he might make it at senior, that was about it. But that never really gets thrown about.

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I fail to see how any of this is relevant to the thread at all to be honest with you. I’ll be happy to trash talk with you on a Munster final related thread if you prefer?

Actually just pulled it up there. You agreed with my " off the wall categorical pronouncement"

Funny that!


well now

I’m still struggling to see the relevance?

You brought the “off the wall categorical pronouncement” up not me.

just pointing out you agreed with said “off the wall categorical pronouncement” at the time.

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You brought up tony kelly in a response to an article on Madeline McCann, on the Madeline mccan thread, a bit of a non sequitar don’t you think? How long do you propose to keep this going?

@Malarkey actually brought up TK

Kelly did dip in and out of form for a while. Whether that was injuries, lack of supporting cast, mental fatigue or all of the above , who knows, but the last couple of years has seen him put in consistent performances and some of those have been outrageous. Glas has been badly shown up you’d have to say.


I did not bring up TK. I brought up being e-stalked.

I could just as easily have said: ‘I love strawberries.’

And said we would shortly have: ‘I think raspberries are much better.’

Sometimes I despair…



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Did Hego change hurley makers or anything like that in the last 4 years or so? A big switch to a much heavier or much lighter hurley? His touch and striking now is so good that it is hard to imagine him ever being awkward.

He was fairly average to be honest. Didn’t play much at minor and only made the 21 team on his age and I’m fairly sure he was called in late at half back.

His transformation has been incredible and he’s dispelled the myth you’ve to start hurling young. Obviously his own effort and outstanding coaching have seen him improve immeasurably since 2018.

I remember after the Ennis loss in 2018 many on here wanted him gone.

I guess he played so little as youngster his scope for improvement was far greater than most other players.


Tony kelly is no cian lynch

goodfellas GIF

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Did they find Madeleine down a well in Ballyea or something?