Madeline McCann Thread

Getting into a car loaded and driving off is a terrible mistake, let’s cut that person loose if there are consequences to that mistake though.

Do they ever get involved when kids wander off and drown or get killed in quad bike accidents.

I have my own theory on Madeleine McCann. I think she wandered off and fell down one of those numerous well holes all over Spain like the Spanish boy last year.

We got an insight into how social services work in the Maurice McCabe case.

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Yes it is. You are not leaving them alone in their home. I would have thought it was obvious.

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What the McCanns did was terribly naive. Under no circumstances was it Ok to leave a 3 year old and two 2 year olds alone while they go off drinking. At least hire a babysitter or pay for one of the mother in laws to go on holiday with you where she could keep an eye out on the kids for 1 night.

This was 2007 where it was not uncommon to hear stories of abductions and kidnappings.

Slightly off topic … but mrs O’Sullivan was telling me recently that it was common enough back in the late 70s/early 80s and even a bit beyond, for parents to head off on holidays without kids (babies/toddlers) … they’d be left with relatives or child minders for 1-2 weeks … she said she used to mind a few babies back in the day of doctors …

I couldnt get my head around it at all… was that common enough practice or just those that could afford it? — you’d be stoned to death for doing it today.

3 year olds getting killed in quad bike accidents when their parents went off socialising?

It’s one thing taking your mind off your kid for a brief period, it’s a whole different ball park to knowingly rolling the dice and leaving them unattended for hours in a strange country so you can go out socialising with mates.

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Portugal it was mate


And now there you go with the wide generalisations - and not even in the same country!

All the one mate. Foreign like.

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As a five year old I used to walk home from school, often alone. Same route every day. Easy prey in hindsight for an abduction. Was that negligent?

Same peninsula and climate I suppose.

Couldn’t tell you about social services down south but I’d have went to school with a lad who was taken from his mother who had a drink problem.

A different time and normal action at the time.

Try again.

I think Fulvio and TUM we’re referencing Irish parents who drink.

What kind of people could afford holidays (that weren’t visiting relatives) in the 70s and 80s?

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Point stays though.

Doctors/bankers/Solicitors etc.

Ok. They drill bore holes in Portugal too.

No body found of a child who was most looked for person in Europe for months supports my theory.

Would you be so good as to back this up?
What they did was clearly ‘wrong’, it was a mistake and I wouldn’t do it myself, but to suggest it is a criminal act is ridiculous, they suffered enough ffs,
I’d much rather be called a simpleton than be such a cynic as to wade in with the internet edgelords that keep this shit up