The Senate

So, she admits to being a terrorist.

What’s worse here is that the FG members of the dail and Seanad have endorsed this terrorist.

The hypocrisy surrounding this is unreal.
It’s actually outrageous. You have someone who up until very recently was a member of a dissident organisation being shoe horned into the Senate, and the media are completely hamstrung on the whole issue. They attack Sinn Fein who, as Bandage points out, actually support the PSNI and GFA, at every opportunity, yet raise barely a murmur on this.


the stickies who never decommissioned are in government mate, hypocrisy isn’t a new thing

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Completely unrelated

The fact she’s elected is irrelevant. Labour wanted to opportunistically use her as a political weapon against Sinn FĂ©in but they can’t do that anymore. She’s got no credibility whatsoever now and they’ve taken to hiding her rather than splashing her across the media. They’ve instead completely embarrassed themselves, disrespected the political process (she’s elected to Seanad role with responsibility for industry and commerce FFS sake) and alienated another raft of voters. I did like her explanation yesterday though. I paraphrase - I was in a very bad place after being abused so I had no option but to join a dissident organisation. My nomination for her as COTY 2014 was ahead of the curve.


Eilis O’Hanlon is an even bigger cunt. She’s been driving the whole thing behind the scenes.

O’Hanlon has one aim and that is to spout as much vile and bitriol about the Catholic/Nationalist/Republican people in the six counties as possible. An absolute weapon and perennial COTY material if ever there was. Worse than Harris and Dudley Edwards.

There’s a fierce bang of Walter Mitty about Cahill. Comes across as a bit of a fantasist.


I will give this an informative rating, if you can back it up

Going on previous form, Cahill will be resigning as a senator any minute now.

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Something very right about that blonde whoever she was in that video all the same TS.

And I actually voted Labour last time. Putting this one in the Seanad last straw. Bunch of chancers.

Article in The Sunday Times today about Cahill’s role as a leading dissident. As predicted, Labour have barely mentioned her since November and I don’t see that changing in the lead up to the election. I imagine this time 4 or 5 months ago they planned to use her extensively in their campaign to try to damage Sinn FĂ©in.

Labour and Fine Gael are stone useless at pulling strokes

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Amateurs ted

I think it’s Irish Pictorial Weekly have them down to tee in their sketches

Very long (mostly boring it must be said) piece here about online bullying and trolling shenanigans from Cahill and her associates.

Some interesting stuff there all the same. Suggestions that people close to Cahill (or perhaps herself) are fabricating “bullying” Twitter comments against her using fake accounts. Cahill has made her own account private after apparently losing the plot and going well over the top in terms of what she was writing.

Over time, I realised Ms Cahill was doing some stuff I couldn’t support. People who had no part in any abuse were being denounced on the basis that they were in Sinn Fein, or could somehow be associated with Sinn Fein. One woman was told that her husband may have been an informer, which struck me as particularly irresponsible. Her grandchild was named and she was told she should be thinking about his welfare. A photo of a child sex abuse survivor was posted against her will on a Unionist account with which Ms Cahill is friendly. This seemed to happen because the woman had offended Ms Cahill online and Ms Cahill drew attention to the published photograph from her own account. People with no association whatsoever with Sinn Fein got this treatment too, if they dared to disagree with any aspect of Ms Cahill’s behaviour.

Who said this?

“Cahill near harassed me to death. Along with others. A nutter.”

The journalist that was shot in Derry?


Lyra McKee

What was this about sid?

Time to get rid of the Senate once and for all. Regina Doherty nominated to it, after she being tasked by FG with abolishing it not so long ago. Some absolute dreadful wasters in there, worst of the absolute worst.

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