Major Boosts to the Irish Economy

How is that better? It would leave so many gaps it would screw loads of people.

Where did I say it was better?
The other option will not happen. The repayment moratorium could happen v quickly

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You’re a very shrewd man.

God no

Singapore isn’t China mate

I think McWilliams is getting at the major problem with quantitative easing though. Most of the new money goes to wealthy elites who are rich already and massive inequality is created.

Back when I was very interested in crypto part of the reason was that I thought it opened up new possibilities for a more egalitarian quantitative easing.

I also think that ironically quantitative easing is part of what created the crypto-bubble; elites ended up with unimaginable amounts if cash. That meant there was soon no value in the stock markets but they had to put the money somewhere.

I wouldn’t completely dismiss what McWilliams is saying there has to be a better way of performing quantitative easing, but if course the elites dont want it because they’re the current winners.

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And it has to.

This is going to become a World War type situation in financial terms. This could change the entire system as we know it.

I’ve never been a fan of the concept of Universal Basic Income, but as I said a few days ago, its time may have come sooner than anybody could have anticipated.


Rumours of plan to waive J & F VAT and PAYE altogether.

Costed at 2.9bn. There’d be some back dating of sales invoices so there would.

They won’t but the interest free deferral is a good move. The government has done its best economically imo.

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What exactly has been implemented ?

Mrs has closed up her business here so we are down an income … not sure where she stands with supplemental income. But i’ve a couple of small loans i’m hoping to potentially put a freeze on instead of spending money we had saved as a mortgage deposit.

Deferred VAT, PAYE interest free, increase SW, no means test for self employed on sick.

They’ll need to do more to stop one (wo)man bands hitting the wall but landlords and banks have major part to play.

AIB total wankers to a good customer yesterday. Fucking clowns. No modifications to how they do business.

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Mind that the small freeze doesn’t impact your credit rating. AIB telling people it will as of yesterday. Cunts.

Fucking Banks, they’ll never, ever learn …

Is the state still the majority shareholder in AIB ???

Throw in rates and I’m in full agreement

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You presented it as an alternative, would suggest you think it is better somehow.

What does Singapore have to do with Hong Kong?

The official rent and the few hundred a month under the counter that landlords require now will both need to be included

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Sorry pal. Thats not how it works at all

There will be a lot of cowboy landlords licking their lips right now sadly

@Mac @Juhniallio @padjo @TheUlteriorMotive